The Encouragement to Go On
February 24, 2021
It seems that the author felt that, after some heavy and solemn warnings, a word of encouragement was in order. He states that he is confident that the people he is addressing are ready for better things that come with salvation (v. 9). The words are like those of a pastor who, after warning his congregation of a dangerous course of action, might say: “But I am sure you people would never do that!” The writer insisted that he had every expectation that the readers would persevere to the end and acquire these blessings.
God will not forget how hard they have worked for Him and how they have shown their love for Him by taking care of other Christians (v. 10). He thus encouraged them to keep it up, while assuring them that He was conscious of all their aid and was available to help them.
His big desire is that they will keep right on loving others as long as they live, and their greatest desire will come true (v. 11). If they keep on loving and helping others they will not become spiritually dull and indifferent. Instead they will be like those who will inherit God’s promises because of their faith and patience (v. 12). Their real goal should be the inheritance that is set before them. They were to be imitators of those who through faith and patience inherit God’s promises.
If the readers were searching for models to imitate, there was the case of Abraham who received a promise from God that assured the multiplication of his seed (vv. 13-15).
It is easy for me to get discouraged, thinking that God has forgotten me, but God never forgets or overlooks my hard work for Him. The Bible and the testimony of other Christians should be enough.
Hebrews 6:9– 15 (NET)
9 But in your case, dear friends, even though we speak like this, we are convinced of better things relating to salvation. 10 For God is not unjust so as to forget your work and the love you have demonstrated for his name, in having served and continuing to serve the saints. 11 But we passionately want each of you to demonstrate the same eagerness for the fulfillment of your hope until the end, 12 so that you may not be sluggish, but imitators of those who through faith and perseverance inherit the promises.
13 Now when God made his promise to Abraham, since he could swear by no one greater, he swore by himself, 14 saying, “Surely I will bless you greatly and multiply your descendants abundantly.” 15 And so by persevering, Abraham inherited the promise.
Illustration: Farmer Didn’t Want to Discourage His Pointer Dog
During quail season in Georgia, an Atlanta journalist met an old farmer hunting with an ancient pointer at his side. Twice the dog ran rheumatically ahead and pointed. Twice his master fired into the open air. When the journalist saw no birds rise, he asked the farmer for an explanation. “Shucks,” grinned the old man, “I knew there weren’t no birds in that grass. Spot’s nose ain’t what it used to be. But him and me have had some wonderful times together. He’s still doing the best he can-and it’d be mighty mean of me to call him a liar at this stage of the game!” (Bits & Pieces, August 20, 1992, pp. 15-16).