The Description Of a Person Who Stirs up Strife

Topic: Worldliness
Passage: Proverbs 6:12–19

March 13, 2021


The danger of an evil companion is pointed out. His actions contradict what he says. He plans evil actions so that you will not be aware of his intentions until it is too late. In the process of causing others to fall he will bring disaster on himself and his downfall will be quick, complete and certain.
Five detestable characteristics of this worldly person’s activities are listed. They are as follows:
Sin of attitude – “a proud look” (v. 17a).Sin of thought – “wicked imaginations” (v. 18a).Sin of speech – “a lying  tongue"  (v.17b)"a false witness” (v. 19).Sin of action – “shed  innocent blood” (v. 17c) “running to mischief” (v. 18b)Sin of influence – “soweth discord” (v. 19b)In no uncertain terms it is made evident that God hates these proceeding items. In the process this person uses the various parts of his body (heart, mouth, lips, eyes, tongue, hands and feet) in a  way that God had never intended and in direct violation to the various commands of Scripture.


I must remember that I am born with a sinful nature and that the only way I can be kept from these hateful ways is to be saved by the blood of Christ. Then I must experience the daily cleansing of His Word (I John 1:9). A good question to ask is - am I harboring any of these vices?

Proverbs 6:12– 19 (NET)

12 A worthless and wicked person walks around saying perverse things;

13 he winks with his eyes, signals with his feet, and points with his fingers;

14 he plots evil with perverse thoughts in his heart, he spreads contention at all times.

15 Therefore, his disaster will come suddenly; in an instant he will be broken, and there will be no remedy.

16 There are six things that the Lord hates, even seven things that are an abomination to him:

17 haughty eyes, a lying tongue, and hands that shed innocent blood,

18 a heart that devises wicked plans, feet that are swift to run to evil,

19 a false witness who pours out lies, and a person who spreads discord among family members.

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