The Acceptance of Moses Petition
March 31, 2022
God told Moses to get ready to take the people into the promised land (v. 11). Allegiance can be defined as the loyalty owed by a subject to his or her sovereign. Synonyms for allegiance are loyalty, commitment, adherence, faithfulness, and duty.
I. The meaning of allegiance
A. Fearing the Lord (v. 12). – To fear means to reverence and honor, to hold in high esteem.
B. Walking in His ways (v. 12).
C. Loving Him (v. 12).
D. Serving Him with heart and soul (v.12).
E. Obeying Him (v. 13)
II. The reasons for allegiance
A. It is beneficial to us – (v. 13).
B. God is the Supreme Sovereign of eternity – (v. 14).
C. He chose you – (vv. 15-16).
D. He shows no partiality (vv. 17-19).
E. He desires our allegiance (v. 20) God alone should have our allegiance.
F. He used His power to deliver us (vv. 21-22).
Because of all this it only makes sense for me to do what God requires. I owe Him my love, my service, and my obedience. I must fear him and pledge my allegiance to walk in His ways.
Deuteronomy 10:11– 21 (NET)
11 Then he said to me, “Get up, set out leading the people so they may go and possess the land I promised to give to their ancestors.”
12 Now, Israel, what does the Lord your God require of you except to revere him, to obey all his commandments, to love him, to serve him with all your mind and being, 13 and to keep the Lord’s commandments and statutes that I am giving you today for your own good? 14 The heavens—indeed the highest heavens—belong to the Lord your God, as does the earth and everything in it. 15 However, only to your ancestors did he show his loving favor, and he chose you, their descendants, from all peoples—as is apparent today. 16 Therefore, cleanse your hearts and stop being so stubborn! 17 For the Lord your God is God of gods and Lord of lords, the great, mighty, and awesome God who is unbiased and takes no bribe, 18 who justly treats the orphan and widow, and who loves resident foreigners, giving them food and clothing. 19 So you must love the resident foreigner because you were foreigners in the land of Egypt. 20 Revere the Lord your God, serve him, be loyal to him, and take oaths only in his name. 21 He is the one you should praise; he is your God, the one who has done these great and awesome things for you that you have seen.
Illustration: Jim Elliot The Fear of God And The Grace of God
Jim Elliot wrote “In reading the Scriptures, I find a great moral power. Therein am I made aware of two great forces for good in human experience: the “fear” of God and the “grace” of God. Without the fear of God, I should not stop at doing evil; the fear of God restrains from evil. Without the grace of God, I should have no desire to approach positive goodness. The one is a deterrent from evil; the other an encouragement to good.” (Diary of Jim Elliot).