Rescued From Misery And Trouble

Topic: Prayer
Passage: Psalms 69:13–21

February 20, 2024


“Help” sums up David’s prayer. (vv. 13-18). He petitioned the Lord to save him from imminent death. Again he used the image of miry waters that would drown him (v. 14). The waters have only become deeper and the mire more dreadful. Now death itself is on the horizon.
The pendulum of complaint and prayer swings to supplication (v. 13). Generalities introduce the petitions and then turn specifically to a plea for deliverance (vv. 14). On the level of the devout and patient sufferer, such choice words as “loving kindness, tender mercies, redeem, and ransom” occur (vv. 16-18). In an appeal to the Father’s love, kindness, and mercy, David cries out to God to make His presence known. In the Garden of Gethsemane the son of David did the same. The Lord Jesus Christ’s cry was not for deliverance from the cross but that He might endure the cross in order that we can be saved through His shed blood.
When we are completely beaten down we are tempted to turn from God, give up, and quit trusting in Him. When your situation seems hopeless, determine that no matter how bad things become you will continue to pray. God will hear your prayer and He will rescue you. In reading these verses we cannot help but remember the occasion of Jonah being swallowed. As Jonah came forth from the belly of the fish after three days, so too our Lord came forth  from the grave that could not hold him.


When I feel up to my neck in hot water which of the following should I do?
      _____  Keep it to myself
      _____  Cry on someone’s shoulder
      _____  Tell everybody in sight
      _____  Take it to the Lord in prayer

Psalms 69:13– 21 (NET)

Verses not found.

Illustration: Peter Marshall’s Prayer Before The US Senate

Peter Marshall, speaking before the U.S. Senate said it ever so well in a prayer many years ago. “Lord Jesus, thou who art the way, the truth, and the life; hear us as we pray for the truth that shall make all free. Teach us that liberty is not only to be loved but also to be lived. Liberty is too precious a thing to be buried in books. It costs too much to be hoarded. Help us see that our liberty is not the right to do as we please, but the opportunity to please and to do what is right.” (Source Unknown).

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