Refusal to Take Correction Brings Discipline
April 20, 2022
God blesses the house of the righteous (v. 6). Whatever riches the wicked may pile up, he shall never be truly rich. Note other verses in Proverbs that speak of true riches; (Prov. 3:16); (Prov. 8:18); (Prov. 8:14); (Prov. 8:24) and (Prov. 22:4).
A person’s words reveal what is in his heart (v.7). Wise people share helpful facts that edifies the hearer while the fool only utters what is in his heart which tends to destroy.
(vv. 8-9 are among the few verses in Proverbs that deal directly with the subject of worship. God hates sacrifices made by unsaved people but the prayers of the righteous please Him. This is a good reason that we should not ask the unconverted to support the work of the Lord. We can not really give anything to God until we have first given our self.
When a person refuses to follow the Lord and will not take correction he is headed for some stern discipline (v. 10). The Lord will first bring correction that is designed to bring him back into the way. If he refuses this correction altogether he will pay for it (Prov. 3:13) with poverty, shame (Prov. 13:18), and even death (Prov. 13:10).
When is the last time the Lord had to discipline you? Did you heed the first correction He sends your way or does He have to get more severe? I don’t want the Lord to have to tell me something more than one time before I obey. Delayed obedience is disobedience.
Proverbs 15:6– 11 (NET)
6 In the house of the righteous is abundant wealth, but the income of the wicked will be ruined.
7 The lips of the wise spread knowledge, but not so the heart of fools.
8 The Lord abhors the sacrifice of the wicked, but the prayer of the upright pleases him.
9 The Lord abhors the way of the wicked, but he will love those who pursue righteousness.
10 Severe discipline is for the one who abandons the way; the one who hates reproof will die.
11 Death and Destruction are before the Lord— how much more the hearts of humans!
Illustration: Ingersoll Challenged God to Kill Him
When the infidel Robert G. Ingersoll was delivering his lectures against Christ and the Bible, his oratorical ability usually assured him of a large crowd. One night after an inflammatory speech in which he severely attacked man’s faith in the Savior, he dramatically took out his watch and said, “I’ll give God a chance to prove that He exists and is almighty. I challenge Him to strike me dead within 5 minutes!” First there was silence, then people became uneasy. Some left the hall, unable to take the nervous strain of the occasion, and one woman fainted. At the end of the allotted time, the atheist exclaimed derisively, “See! There is no God. I am still very much alive!” After the lecture a young fellow said to a Christian lady, “Well, Ingersoll certainly proved something tonight!” Her reply was memorable. “ Yes he did, she said. He proved God isn’t taking orders from atheists.” (James Wilson, Sermon Central).