Rapping Up Spiritual Gifts
June 16, 2020
In the modern world, where women’s rights are championed and the Bible is often seen as old fashioned and sexist, verses 33b through 35 stick out like a sore thumb. Why couldn’t Paul have just skipped right from verse 33a to verse 36. It certainly seems to flow better that way. But our faith in the God of the Bible compels us to take him at His Word. If a verse is found in the Bible, it’s there for a reason. Let us therefore look at these verses more closely.
Paul says that women should be silent during the Church meetings (v. 34). The Greek word for silent literally means “to hold one’s tongue”, an act of self-control. Certainly, Paul was not saying that women had no right to pray or share God’s Word in the church, because he had already given instructions as to how she was to do this (11:5). Context is key when it comes to understanding seemingly difficult passages of scripture. These verses are placed within the larger context of speaking in tongues and prophecy, as we saw in yesterday’s passage (I Cor. 14:26-33a). Paul had said that a prophet’s words were to be carefully examined by the congregation (v. 29), and that it was appropriate for someone with a new revelation to interrupt the current speaker (v. 30). It seems then that Paul, in the interest of church order, is excluding women from this specific part of the service. Put simply, a woman should not interrupt a man when he is prophesying in a church service (v. 34). If they have any questions, they can ask their husbands at home (v. 35).
Paul concludes this section on spiritual gifts (Ch. 12-14) with a call to humility. The Corinthian church was not the only church, nor even the original church (v. 36). Anyone who has been truly empowered by the Spirit should agree with Paul instructions, since they are really God’s instructions (vv. 37-38). Paul was just the messenger. Paul encouraged the Corinthians to keep on seeking to prophesy and to speak in tongues (v. 39). When done correctly, these were incredible gifts from God. He ends by reminding them to do everything “decently and in order” (v. 40).
Lord, help me to have the patience in examine difficult passages of scripture and to not jump to the wrong conclusions. Help me to remember that my spiritual gifts come from you.
1 Corinthians 14:33b– 40 (NET)
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