Pride And Anger Work Against Humility
January 10, 2023
IV. Four Unbearable things in Leadership (vv. 21-23).
a. Inexperience / unqualified people elevated to leadership (v. 22).
b. A fool with plenty to eat while others go hungry (v. 22).
c. When there is no love in a marriage (v. 23).
d. When a wife is divorced so her husband can marry a younger woman (v. 23).
V. Four small Creatures that demonstrate Wisdom (vv. 24-28).
a. The Ant (v. 25) – though small the ant uses wise planning to meet future challenges. Man often plans for material things but fails to prepare for eternity.
b. The Rock Badger (v. 26) – these small rodents live in the clefts of rocks for protection from predators. The LORD is our Rock of Defense.
c. The Locust (v. 27) – though they have no apparent leader, locusts can fly in perfect order, like an army, devastating miles of farmland. Jesus is the unseen leader of the church, leading us to victory.
d. The Spider (v. 28) – these may be found in the corners of king’s palaces. We as Christians will one day dwell in heaven with constant access to the King of kings.
VI. Four Stately Creatures (vv. 29-33).
a. The Lion – People run from it because of its strength (v. 30).
b. The Roster – He struts confidently knowing that he is king of the roost (v. 31).
c. The Goat – The male goat takes on an arrogant appearance (v. 31).
d. A King – He is most proud when at the head of his army (v. 31).
The creatures in this passage are very proud and think they are more than they are. When people recognize me for being good or preforming well it is easy for me to get proud and think that I’m more than I am. Lord help me to be like the apostle Paul when he said, “By the grace of God I am what I am”. If it wasn’t for God, I would be nothing and deserve nothing.
Proverbs 30:21– 33 (NET)
21 Under three things the earth has trembled, and under four things it cannot bear up:
22 under a servant who becomes king, under a fool who becomes stuffed with food,
23 under an unloved woman who becomes married, and under a female servant who dispossesses her mistress.
24 There are four things on earth that are small, but they are exceedingly wise:
25 ants are creatures with little strength, but they prepare their food in the summer;
26 rock badgers are creatures with little power, but they make their homes in the crags;
27 locusts have no king, but they all go forward by ranks;
28 a lizard you can catch with the hand, but it gets into the palaces of the king.
29 There are three things that are magnificent in their step, four things that move about magnificently:
30 a lion, mightiest of the beasts, who does not retreat from anything;
31 a strutting rooster, a male goat, and a king with his army around him.
32 If you have done foolishly by exalting yourself or if you have planned evil, put your hand over your mouth!
33 For as the churning of milk produces butter and as punching the nose produces blood, so stirring up anger produces strife.
Illustration: How Many Great Preachers do You Think There Are
A lady writing a note to her pastor stated, “I think you are one of the really great preachers of all time.” Later his wife asked, “Who is that woman?” He replied, “She is a very intelligent woman in the congregation who loves great preaching.” He then asked his wife, “How many great preachers do you suppose there really are in the world?” She replied, “One less than you think.” (Source Unknown, Lou Nicholes – Missionary/Author)