Jerusalem – City of God
April 9, 2024
This Psalm describes the Lord’s love for Jerusallem and exalts the city as the religious center of the world in the coming messianic kingdom (Psa. 48). It contrasts the heavy and the sad tone of the subsequent Psalm,which speaks of death. This holy city is best known as Jerusalem, but in many psalms the exalted name Zion occurs. The song od Zion speaks prophetically of the time when Zion will be the center of the universal kingdom of the Messiah. God was devoted to this city. A popular anthem is based on verse 3, but again the song writer chose to call the city Zion rather than Jerusalem. But of course the city is nothing without God. In Psalm 87 it is referred to as the “city of God (v. 3). The following outline lists the features:
1. Firm foundation (v. 1) – Remember our roots. Built on top of five mountains.
2. Favored status (v. 2) – Revel in God’s love. Supremely loved by the Lord.
3. Future prospects (v. 3) – Rest in God’s promises.
4. Former enemies (v. 4) – Relate to the converted.
A. Egypt: Chosen for its resplendent past.
B. Babylon: Chosen for its religious power.
C. Philistia: Chosen for its racial pride.
D. Tyre: Chosen for it renowned prosperity.
E. Ethiopia: Chosen for its remote position.
5. Family offspring (vv. 5,6) – From the line of regeneration.
6. Focused joy (v. 7) – Rejoice in God’s presence. All our foundations are there.
I need to stop and think how privileged I am to be called a child of God. I am marching to Zion, beautiful, beautiful Zion, I am marching upward to Zion, the beautiful city of God and will soon be there.
Psalms 87:1– 7 (NET)
Verses not found.
Illustration: Jerusalem – Center of God’s World
Jerusalem is very much in the news and always has been. It is the most important city on earth. God has said of Jerusalem that He has set it in the midst of the nations (Ez. 5:5). Draw a circle on a map with Jerusalem as its center and with a radius of about 900 miles and it will include almost the entire Middle East. Within that circle will lie Athens, Istanbul, Antioch Beirut, Damascus, Baghdad, Alexandria, Cairo, Mecca and a host of other important cities. No city on earth has suffered more attacks, sacks, and sieges, more devastations and revivals than Jerusalem. The city of Jerusalem is mentioned by name more than 800 times in the Bible. In May of 2018 the presedent of the United States of American recoginized Jerusalem as the the capatal of Israel and moved their embassy their. (Lou Nicholes – Missionary/Author).(Lou Nicholes – Missionary/Author).