Healing of The Epileptic Son
May 21, 2020
As Jesus came down from the mountain He finds some arguing scribes, embarrassed disciples and a needy father and son. The father had brought his epileptic son who had a demon in him to the disciples begging them to deliver him but they couldn’t (vv. 14-16). Jesus rebuked the disciples (v. 17). He expects us to grow in our faith. Our trust in Him is to depend upon Him to help us overcome difficulties and surmount challenges. He is not pleased with stagnant faith. Jesus then delivered a boy from an evil spirit and commanded the spirit never to return to him (v. 18). The crowds marveled and gave glory to God.
When the disciples inquired why they had not been able to heal the boy, Jesus said it was because of their little faith (vv. 19-20). They should have been able to cast out the demon because Jesus had given them this power and authority. He told them they had lost their power because of their lack of faith (v: 20), their lack of prayer, and their lack of discipline (v. 21).
Perhaps during the Lord’s absence, they began to neglect prayer and their faith had weakened. Then when the crisis came they were unprepared. Like Sampson they had gone out to battle, not realizing that their power was gone.
Again we find the Lord reminding his disciples that He would be betrayed and that He would be killed (vv. 22-23). He goes on to explain to them how the grave will not hold Him but He will rise on the third day (v. 23). One wonders if they heard the whole message or just the part about His death because it says they were filled with grief.
Just as the disciples had neglected to spend time in prayer and had become powerless the same can happen in my life. It is so easy to try to do things in my own strength and fall flat on my face because I didn’t depend on the Lord to do it.
Matthew 17:14– 23 (NET)
14 When they came to the crowd, a man came to him, knelt before him, 15 and said, “Lord, have mercy on my son, because he has seizures and suffers terribly, for he often falls into the fire and into the water. 16 I brought him to your disciples, but they were not able to heal him.” 17 Jesus answered, “You unbelieving and perverse generation! How much longer must I be with you? How much longer must I endure you? Bring him here to me.” 18 Then Jesus rebuked the demon and it came out of him, and the boy was healed from that moment. 19 Then the disciples came to Jesus privately and said, “Why couldn’t we cast it out?” 20 He told them, “It was because of your little faith. I tell you the truth, if you have faith the size of a mustard seed, you will say to this mountain, ‘Move from here to there,’ and it will move; nothing will be impossible for you.”
22 When they gathered together in Galilee, Jesus told them, “The Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men. 23 They will kill him, and on the third day he will be raised.” And they became greatly distressed.
Illustration: Dr Judson’s Optimistic Reply
Faith in God makes great optimists. Over in Burma, Judson was lying in a foul jail floor with 32 lbs. of chains on his ankles, his feet bound to a bamboo pole. With a sneer on his face, a fellow prisoner said, “Dr. Judson, what about the prospect of the conversion of the heathen?” His instant reply was, “The prospects are just as bright as the promises of God.” (The Presbyterian Advance).