Giving is More Blessed Than Receiving

Topic: Offering
Passage: 2 Corinthians 8:1–6

December 9, 2019


Paul, writing from Macedonia, hoped that news of the generosity of these churches would encourage the Corinthian believers, motivate them to solve their problems, and unite the fellowship. He is usually thought of as being a great theologian and missionary. However, what is often not known about him is that he was also a financial genius of the early church. One of the things Paul had been organizing for several years and which he majored on in his third missionary journey was the taking up of a special “relief offering.” Early in his ministry he had promised to remember the poor and he wanted to keep that promise (Galatians 2:6-10). But he also hoped the generosity of the Gentiles would silence the jealousy of the Jews and bring unity to the Gentile churches.
The point of giving is not so much the amount we give, but “why” and “how” we give. God does not want gifts given grudgingly. Instead, He wants us to give as these churches did; out of dedication to Christ, love for fellow believers, the joy of helping those in need, and the fact that it was simply the good and right thing to do. Paul stressed the fact that giving is more blessed than receiving, and he shares the following evidence that will appear when our giving is motivated by grace.  
1. When we give despite circumstances (vv. 1-2). Paul uses the Macedonian churches as an example. They were in poverty and yet they gave.
2. When we give enthusiastically (vv. 3-4). It is possible to give generously but not with enthus­iasm. The Macedonian churches even begged to be included. 
3. When we give as Christ gave (vv. 5-6). The Macedonian Christians gave themselves to God and others. If we give ourselves to God, we will have little problem in giving to God.   


I need to make sure that my motives for giving are right. It should never be because I have to give  but because I want to give and with a joyful heart.

2 Corinthians 8:1– 6 (NET)

1 Now we make known to you, brothers and sisters, the grace of God given to the churches of Macedonia, 2 that during a severe ordeal of suffering, their abundant joy and their extreme poverty have overflowed in the wealth of their generosity. 3 For I testify, they gave according to their means and beyond their means. They did so voluntarily, 4 begging us with great earnestness for the blessing and fellowship of helping the saints. 5 And they did this not just as we had hoped, but they gave themselves first to the Lord and to us by the will of God. 6 Thus we urged Titus that, just as he had previously begun this work, so also he should complete this act of kindness for you.

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