Demonic Son is Healed

Topic: Demons
Passage: Luke 9:37–50

February 25, 2022


When Jesus and the three disciples returned from the mountain they found the other disciples trying to cast a demon out of a young boy but not being able to do so (vv. 37-40). They had the power and authority but apparently they had not relied on God in prayer to cast out the demon (v. 1). When Jesus arrived and was told what had happened, He immediately restored the boy and the crowd that had gathered was amazed (vv. 41-43. Then Jesus took the twelve aside for another lesson about the cross and the fact that He would die by being betrayed into the hands of men (v. 44). However, they did not understand as it was hid from them (v. 45).
Next we find the disciples arguing over who is the greatest (v. 46). Jesus tells them that true greatness is achieved by humility. He told them that the one who is the greatest is the one who is least among you. He then uses a little child as an illustration to show the way of true greatness (vv. 47- 48). The child is an example of simple faith, sincerity and dependence. John then tells how he tried to stop someone who was driving out demons in Jesus’ name. John’s reasoning was that this man was not one of us (vv. 49-50). The Lord rebukes John for such a narrow sectarian spirit. Our pride can be easily be hurt when someone else succeeds where we have failed, but Jesus says there is no room for such jealousy. We should never allow ourselves to think  that our group is the only group God recognizes and blesses.


I need to serve the Lord the best I can, exposing false teachers and unsound doctrine, yet not be ruled by a spirit of divisiveness that condemns anyone who does not conform to my way of doing things.

Luke 9:37– 50 (NET)

37 Now on the next day, when they had come down from the mountain, a large crowd met him. 38 Then a man from the crowd cried out, “Teacher, I beg you to look at my son—he is my only child! 39 A spirit seizes him, and he suddenly screams; it throws him into convulsions and causes him to foam at the mouth. It hardly ever leaves him alone, torturing him severely. 40 I begged your disciples to cast it out, but they could not do so.” 41 Jesus answered, “You unbelieving and perverse generation! How much longer must I be with you and endure you? Bring your son here.” 42 As the boy was approaching, the demon threw him to the ground and shook him with convulsions. But Jesus rebuked the unclean spirit, healed the boy, and gave him back to his father. 43 Then they were all astonished at the mighty power of God.

44 “Take these words to heart, for the Son of Man is going to be betrayed into the hands of men.” 45 But they did not understand this statement; its meaning had been concealed from them, so that they could not grasp it. Yet they were afraid to ask him about this statement.

46 Now an argument started among the disciples as to which of them might be the greatest. 47 But when Jesus discerned their innermost thoughts, he took a child, had him stand by his side, 48 and said to them, “Whoever welcomes this child in my name welcomes me, and whoever welcomes me welcomes the one who sent me, for the one who is least among you all is the one who is great.”

49 John answered, “Master, we saw someone casting out demons in your name, and we tried to stop him because he is not a disciple along with us.” 50 But Jesus said to him, “Do not stop him, for whoever is not against you is for you.”

Illustration: Jimmy Swaggart Defies Order of Assemblies

When Jimmy Swaggart defied the orders of the Assemblies of God to refrain from preaching for one year, he assured the public that he was free of moral defect, for, he said, Oral Roberts had cast out the demons from his body over the phone. Oral Roberts confirmed Swaggart’s report, insisting he saw the demons with their claws deeply embedded in Swaggart’s flesh. Now that the rascals were gone, Swaggart and Roberts asserted, Swaggart could get on with preparing the way for Christ’s return. Evidently, personal responsibility for sin can be dismissed by blaming it on an external force. Yet Flip Wilson’s famous quip, “The devil made me do it” is hardly comedy when we’re talking about the biblical view of sin. (The Agony of Deceit by Michael Horton, Editor, 1990, Moody Press, pp.132-133).

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