David’s Anticipation of Victory

Topic: Storms
Passage: Psalms 57:7–11

March 27, 2024


This is known as a michtam psalm. It speaks of that which is substantial, or enduring, or fixed. Michtam literally means “engraven” or “permanent.” This word pictures that which is unmoveable, steadfast, stable and enduring. When David says, “My heart is fixed,” that is a michtam (v. 7). In the midst of his storm David has promised to trust in God; he is confident that he will be delivered. He goes to his deepest resources for finding ways to praise the Lord. God’s creation is great but the God of the creation is even greater (v. 10). What a God He is! He is tremendous enough to create galaxies, yet tender enough to care for one frightened man as a hen cares for her chicks. Saul is still not to be trusted, more trials lie ahead but God has given David assurance of His presence. David’s heart simply overflows. He is sure that he will never doubt again but, of course, he will.
When he says “I will praise Thee O Lord, among the people” he was referring to Israel, his own people. When he said “I will sing unto Thee among the nations” (v. 9) he was no doubt referring to the heathen nations round about such as Moab and Gath. He was determined to tell people both at home and abroad what kind of a living God it was whom he served. When confronted with verbal attacks the best defense is simply to be quiet and praise God realizing that our confidence is in His mercy and truth (v. 10). In times of storm, don’t turn inward to self-pity or outward to revenge but upward to God.


There are many ways God has rescued me from the storms of life.  What can I do to share with others about what a great God we have?

Psalms 57:7– 11 (NET)

Verses not found.

Illustration: Charles Wesley Writes a Song About Storms of Life

In reference to storms of life Charles Wesley the great song-writer expressed it this way:
Jesus Lover of my soul,
Let me to Thy bosom fly;
While the tempest still is high;
Hide me, O my Savior, hide
Till the storm of life is past
(Source Unknown)

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