David gave Solomon Blueprints for the Temple
June 19, 2020
The last two chapters of l Chronicles presents the transition from David to Solomon as King of Israel. Knowing that the end of his life was imminent, David assembled all the princes of Israel in Jerusalem and made a public presentation of Solomon as his successor. He reviewed the history of his own attempts to build the temple and explained how it did not come to pass because God had ordained that Solomon, his son, would be its builder.
David concluded his remarks with a charge to the people (v. 8) and Solomon (vv. 9-l0) to “keep and seek the commandments of the Lord your God” and to bring the building of the temple to a happy conclusion. He shared with Solomon the plans and specifications for the temple and its furnishings which the Spirit of God had revealed to him (vv. 11-l2, 19). Although Solomon is remembered as the temple builder, the blueprints for the temple were given to David by divine revelation, just as the plans for the tabernacle had been revealed to Moses. The information recorded here reveals how inclusive the details for not only the temple but also its furnishings were. It lists not only the different items of furnishing but also gives the weight and type of material for each item. Not wanting to leave anything to chance, David wrote down every detail of this divine revelation from God (v. 19).
David advised Solomon not to be frightened about the size of his task as king and builder of the temple. Fear can immobilize us in our tasks. The advice here is not to fear but to get to work. If God had told me, as a young Christian all I would be doing I’m sure I would have been frightened.
1 Chronicles 28:11– 21 (NET)
11 David gave to his son Solomon the blueprints for the temple porch, its buildings, its treasuries, its upper areas, its inner rooms, and the room for atonement. 12 He gave him the blueprints of all he envisioned for the courts of the Lord’s temple, all the surrounding rooms, the storehouses of God’s temple, and the storehouses for the holy items.
13 He gave him the regulations for the divisions of priests and Levites, for all the assigned responsibilities within the Lord’s temple, and for all the items used in the service of the Lord’s temple.
14 He gave him the prescribed weight for all the gold items to be used in various types of service in the Lord’s temple, for all the silver items to be used in various types of service, 15 for the gold lampstands and their gold lamps, including the weight of each lampstand and its lamps, for the silver lampstands, including the weight of each lampstand and its lamps, according to the prescribed use of each lampstand, 16 for the gold used in the display tables, including the amount to be used in each table, for the silver to be used in the silver tables, 17 for the pure gold used for the meat forks, bowls, and jars, for the small gold bowls, including the weight for each bowl, for the small silver bowls, including the weight for each bowl, 18 and for the refined gold of the incense altar. He gave him the blueprint for the seat of the gold cherubim that spread their wings and provide shelter for the ark of the Lord’s covenant.
19 David said, “All this I put in writing as the Lord directed me and gave me insight regarding the details of the blueprints.”
20 David said to his son Solomon: “Be strong and brave! Do it! Don’t be afraid and don’t panic! For the Lord God, my God, is with you. He will not leave you or abandon you before all the work for the service of the Lord’s temple is finished. 21 Here are the divisions of the priests and Levites who will perform all the service of God’s temple. All the willing and skilled men are ready to assist you in all the work and perform their service. The officials and all the people are ready to follow your instructions.”