Authority of the Prophet’s Message
September 27, 2022
The people of Israel had experienced a unique, covenant relationship with the Lord because He had elected them from among all the nations to be His people (v. 1). The nation of Israel also had the privilege of having a unique “family relationship.” Along with the nation of Judah, they had been chosen to be God’s people. The Lord refers to them as “The whole family I brought up out of Egypt.” As such, they enjoyed a distinct privilege that was not shared by other nations. This privilege, however, also brought with it a responsibility. Those chosen by God were also liable to God for their response to Him. They had rejected God’s truth and the warnings of His prophets. As a result, they were subject to His punishment (v. 2).
Seven searching questions are raised that reveal how events do not occur in nature or history without causes (vv. 3-8). An example of this is, “How can two walk together, except they be agreed (v. 3)?” Often, in answer to this it will be discovered that the soul is not in agreement with God and the answer will not come until the nation or individual have come back in agreement to God. These rhetorical questions grow in intensity. The final question, “Does disaster come to a city unless the Lord has done it (v. 6b)?”, reveals a fundamental truth of suffering. God is in control. Nothing happens outside of his will, and to think otherwise is foolishness.
The Lord desired to disclose Himself so his servants could deliver His words before God’s judgment came (v. 7). Amos explained the cause behind His preaching as the call of the Lord (v. 8). Israel’s most wicked and idolatrous neighbors see God judge Israel (v. 9). Israel no longer knew how to do what was right (v. 10). The more they sinned, the harder it was to remember what God wanted.
Whether in marriage, business, or ministry I need to be very sure that I am in agreement with my partner.
Amos 3:1– 10 (NET)
1 Listen, you Israelites, to this message that the Lord is proclaiming against you! This message is for the entire clan I brought up from the land of Egypt:
2 “I have chosen you alone from all the clans of the earth. Therefore I will punish you for all your sins.”
3 Do two walk together without having met?
4 Does a lion roar in the woods if he has not cornered his prey? Does a young lion bellow from his den if he has not caught something?
5 Does a bird swoop down into a trap on the ground if there is no bait? Does a trap spring up from the ground unless it has surely caught something?
6 If an alarm sounds in a city, do people not fear? If disaster overtakes a city, is the Lord not responsible?
7 Certainly the Sovereign Lord does nothing without first revealing his plan to his servants the prophets.
8 A lion has roared! Who is not afraid? The Sovereign Lord has spoken. Who can refuse to prophesy?
9 Make this announcement in the fortresses of Ashdod and in the fortresses in the land of Egypt. Say this: “Gather on the hills around Samaria! Observe the many acts of violence taking place within the city, the oppressive deeds occurring in it.”
10 “They do not know how to do what is right,” the Lord says. “They store up the spoils of destructive violence in their fortresses.