An Appeal For Vengeance
February 27, 2024
Making an earnest cry for vengeance, the psalmist called on God to arise and take care of the helpless (v. 9). One reason for this request is that the wicked should not be allowed to despise God (v. 3) and to think he can get away with his actions.
The last half of this Psalm is a call to action. He calls on God to arise and help the helpless (v. 12). The wicked person despises God and says that he does not care (v. 13). However, God does hear what the ungodly say and does not approve of their pride and rebellion. The writer reminds the reader that God sees everything (v. 14). He sees the trouble of His people, feels their grief, and helps them in the right way in the right time. The wicked should not be allowed to think he can get away with his actions. He specifically requests that God punish the wicked (v. 15). The Lord will be king forever (v. 16).
This psalm closes with an expression of confidence that the writer’s prayer has been heard (vv. 17-18). His faith is in the fact that God defends the needy against the tyranny of the wicked. God sees and takes note of each evil deed, encourages us, and listens to our cries (v. 17). We never do things in secret because He is always with us. We can face the wicked because we do not face them alone. God is by our side. We can even bring justice to the orphans and the oppressed, so people can no longer terrify them (v. 18).
No matter what someone may do to me I should never seek vengeance. God sees everything and He will take care of everything in the right way at the right time. We never help the situation by trying to get even. Anytime I have ever tried to get even with someone who did something against me things only got worse. When God says. “Vengeance is mine” He means it and I need to let Him take care of it.
Psalms 10:12– 18 (NET)
Verses not found.
Illustration: The Farmer Who Caught Young People Stealing Apples
The pastor told me about a farmer in his congregation who had frequently been pestered by a carload of young folks – young folks who delighted in sneaking over his orchard fence and playing havoc with his apples without asking permission. Eventually, the farmer caught the youngsters red handed and full mouthed. Quickly swallowing a chunk of golden delicious, one of the apple thieves sheepishly smiled and said, “We hope you don’t mind we took a few of your apples.""No, not at all,” said the farmer, who was also smiling. He continued, “And I hope you don’t mind I took some of the air out of your tires.” (Source Unknown – Lou Nicholes/Missionary Author)