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Jesus’ Prayer for Unity of Believers

Date: May 13, 2021
Topic: Unity
Passage: John 17:20–26

The Lord has already prayed about security and sanctity; now the burden of His prayer is unity. In this passage He prays for the whole church down through the centuries, that they all may be unified (vv. 20-26). He is concerned that His people experience a spiritual unity that is like the oneness of …

Job Wished He Could Die

Date: May 12, 2021
Topic: Bitterness
Passage: Job 3:1–26

This chapter records the first great outpouring of complaint by Job, and not one of his visitors, that broke the seven days of silence. As he spoke, it was not with a casual greeting to his friends or small talk. His former positive manner has turned to bitterness, his pati …

Paul’s Reaction to Charges

Topic: Reaction
Passage: Acts 24:1–16

Felix told Paul he would listen to his case once his accusers arrived. While they waited, Paul was placed in the Praetorium under guard. In five days, a delegation from the Sanhedrin arrived. This group included the high priest, some elders, and a hired lawyer named Tertullus (v. 1). He was a …

What is in Your Heart Comes Out in Your Talk

Topic: Envy
Passage: Proverbs 24:1–10

The glamour of the world often arouses envy in the minds of young and old alike. A Christian should not want what the world has to offer or even want to be with worldly people (v. 1). The best thing the world has to offer is only temporary no matter how attractive it may seem. If we hang …

Slackers And Busybodies in The Church

Date: May 11, 2021
Topic: Work
Passage: 2 Thessalonians 3:6–18

The word command means a military order. Some of the Christian soldiers in the church at Thessalonica were breaking rank and disobeying orders, and Paul had to admonish them. We find disorderly conduct (v. 6) and busybodies (v. 11) in the Thessalonian Church and Paul deals with t …

Sins’ reality and remedy

Topic: Dishonesty
Passage: 1 John 1:8–10

This is one of the most important sections of Scripture in the Bible for Christians. It deals with how we tend to try and cover up our sins. The first step in dishonesty is that we want our friends to think we are “spiritual” so we lie to others about our lives a …

Angel Says Jesus is Risen

Topic: Resurrection
Passage: Mark 16:1–8

At sunrise the next morning, which was Sunday, they were at the tomb (vv. 1-2). As they approached the tomb they were concerned about how they might get the stone rolled away from the door (v. 3). However, as they reached the tomb they discovered the stone was already rolled away (v. 4 …

Delegation of The Work Load

Date: May 10, 2021
Topic: Rebuilding
Passage: Nehemiah 3:1–14

The task of rebuilding the walls of Jerusalem was so enormous that it called for great organization and the help of everyone. Nehemiah’s plan is unique and various aspects of this plan are outlined in this chapter. He begins with the Sheep Gate and proceeds counterclockwise. The …

The Rebuke of Immaturity

Topic: Maturity
Passage: Hebrews 5:9–14

This is exactly the situation with these Hebrew Christians. They had been going through the same experience, again and again, all the years of their Christian life, but had never grown. In this passage, the writer makes it very clear that age will never, in itself, bring Spiritual …

What effects your relationships?

Date: May 8, 2021
Topic: Relationships
Passage: 1 John 1:5–7

The Apostle John wrote his first epistle to Christians who were in danger of being led astray by false teachers. Many of these leaders said it didn’t make a great deal of difference how a person lived because the body is basically sinful anyway. John points out in this pass …

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