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False Teachers in The End Times

Date: June 19, 2021
Topic: Prophecy
Passage: Mark 13:14–23

Some writers feel that this particular portion of scripture deals with events that happened during the destruction of Jerusalem in A.D. 70. However, it seems that the complete fulfillment of Jesus’ prediction is yet future during the great tribulation at the end of this age …

Paul’s Greeting to The Philippian Church

Date: June 18, 2021
Topic: Greetings
Passage: Philippians 1:1–2

This is one of Paul’s most informal letters. With this church he did not feel the need to assert his Apostolic authority. His overflowing love for them is obvious. He even allowed them to send him money which was very unusual for him. Paul is imprisoned, yet he uses the term for …

Instructions for Tongues Speakers

Date: June 17, 2021
Topic: Organization
Passage: 1 Corinthians 14:26–33a

It is evident that the Corinthian church was having problems with disorders in their public meetings. Furthermore, it seems that the tongues speakers were the ones causing the most trouble. Paul gave these specific instructions …

Given over to the worship of Idols

Date: June 16, 2021
Topic: Idolatry
Passage: 1 John 5:16–21

John was probably writing to believers in the city of Ephesus, a city given over to the worship of Idols. In the city of Ephesus stood the Temple of Diana. The Ephesians were proud of the structure and the prominence it gave to their city. Few people today, bow to idols of …

The Fall of Lucifer

Topic: Pride
Passage: Isaiah 14:12–23

In his military might this great king had laid low the nations, including Phoenicia, Philistia, Egypt, Moab, Edom, Cilicia, and much of Judah (vv. 12-15). But he would fall like a morning star. The brilliance of a star in the early dawn suddenly vanishes when the sun rises. Senna …

Jesus on Trial

Date: June 14, 2021
Topic: Silence
Passage: Matthew 26:57–68

The focus of this passage is when Jesus was asked by the high priest if He was truly the Son of God and He remained silent. After Jesus’ was arrested He was taken to the home of Annas, the former high priest who was the father-in-law of Caiphas who is now the high priest (J …

The Message of John

Topic: Repentance
Passage: Luke 3:1–14

This passage gives us precise historical information about the secular leaders of that day and specifically brings before us the baptism of John the Baptist and his message of repentance (vv. 1-6). Luke tells us exactly when John began his ministry. It was in the fifteenth …

Paul Explains How Believers Should Live

Date: June 12, 2021
Topic: Victorious
Passage: Colossians 3:8–17

All men everywhere should obey the laws of God. But believers have an even greater responsibility: to live victorious lives before the Father in heaven (v. 12). Paul explains how belie­vers should live:Towards one another (verses 12-14). With “bowels of compassion.&q …

Joseph Places Jesus in The Tomb

Topic: Burial
Passage: Mark 15:42–47

Since Jesus died about 3 o’clock in the afternoon and Jewish law forbid any burial on the Sabbath which began at sunset (v. 42). God had a higly respected and wealthy member of the Sanhedrin, Joseph of Arimathea (a secret disciple of Jesus (John 19:38) ready to take care of …

Prayer Can Save a Nation

Date: June 10, 2021
Topic: Prayer
Passage: Jeremiah 10:12–25

While the heathen worship gods they had made, the Bible tells us that the Almighty God made us and all things by His power (v. 12). This is quite a contrast from the lifeless idols who can do nothing! At His command, there is a multitude of water in the heavens, which are poured …

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