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A Bloody Account of Treachery
This is a bloody account, an account of treachery, of jealously. Ishmael was of the royal family, one of the chief officers of the king. Perhaps that accounts for his jealousy of the man who, though of humble origin, had been appointed governor of the land. So in a scene of appar …
God’s Approval of Solomon Building The Temple
The Lord appeared to Solomon and assured Him that his work on the temple and its dedication pleased Him (v. 11‑12) (details are given on the actual construction in I Kings 7:1‑12). Obedience was the key to God’s Blessing. God encouraged Solomon by His promise that if …
Offerings For The Tabernacle
The instructions pertaining to the construction of the tabernacle and the account of it being carried out (Ex. 35-40) represent 13 chapters out of the total of 40 for the entire book. This is approximately the same amount of space devoted to the deliverance of Israel from E…
The Nations Worship the King
Zechariah describes the destruction of Israel’s enemies which is the second phase of the invasion of Jerusalem by the Gentile armies (vv. 12-15). In this phase the Gentile armies will be destroyed. Then the survivors from all the nations will worship annually in Jerusalem. Mill …
God’s Restored House
God’s blessing of Judah with leadership over the Israelites was contrary to natural order. It was pure grace for those tribes. These tribes of Judah settled east of the Jordan: …
The Early Days of Moses
Moses is born (vv. 1-2). His parents kept him inside for three months but when they could no longer keep him hidden they placed him in a basket and placed him in the tall grass along the edge of the Nile river (v. 3). The baby’s older sister stood at a distance and watched to se …
Rejoicing for The Wrong Reasons
People who are being taken to death and slaughter probably are victims of unjust oppression rather than guilty people being condemned (v. 11). Some people may claim they are ignorant of others’ plights, but God knows who is guilty of willful ignorance, and He will judge it. We learn here about …
The Burnt Offering
Some have said that Leviticus is the most boring book of the Bible. This is easy to think unless you see how Christ is on every page of Leviticus. Like no Old Testament Book, Leviticus is filled with pictures of Christ. In Genesis, we see humanity ruined by the fall. In Exodus we …
The difference between vows and oaths
There is a difference between “vows” and “oaths.” The vow was a promise to do a certain thing for the Lord, while the oath was a promise not to do a certain thing. Moses reminded the people that their promise to God was a very serious matter and must be kept ( …
The Prayer of Jabez was Special
Other clans of Judah: 1. The descendants of Judah (vv. 1-23). Jacob prophesied that the fourth son of Solomon, Judah (v. 1) would become the leader of …