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Failure of The Wilderness Wanders
The Israelites failed to enter the Promised Land because they did not believe in God’s protection, and they did not believe that God would help them conquer the giants in the land. The writer in this passage is warning the people of the danger of unbelief: This danger demands im …
Hardened Hearts and the Fear of Man
In this passage, there were those who would not believe and there were those who would not openly confess Christ even though they had believed. The first group, despite all Jesus’ miraculous signs, still would not believe in Him (vv. 37-38). This rejection had been prophesied by Isaiah …
With Dishonor Comes Reproach
A man who is not sociable cares only for his own selfish concerns (v. 1). His separation is not for God’s glory but for his own pleasure. A fool is “closed minded” and “open mouthed.” He doesn’t want to gain knowledge; he only wants to share his views (v. 2). A man wrapped up in …
Sampson was Born
Manoah wanted to have a sacrificial meal with the angel of the Lord for he was not aware that his guest was superhuman (v. 15). The angel refused to partake of such a meal but suggested instead that a sacrifice be offered to the Lord (vv. 16-18). Manoah appears to have taken the angel’s …
Boasting as a Fool
What Paul is about to do in this passage is contrary to his character. It runs cross grain to every fiber of his being. But the spiritual welfare of a congregation in danger of being led astray is at stake, and it becomes necessary to boast myself a little. He never had any problem boasting about …
The Discipline For Disobedience
God is a God of holiness and those that disobey His law have judgment resting upon them. This section on curses is much more extensive than the blessings section. As a disobedient nation Israel would not only miss the rewards of obedience, but suffer pestilence (v. 16, 25), famin …
David Seeks Refuge From Saul in Phillistia
In this chapter, David is compelled to leave his homeland because of the slander of Cush and the betrayal of the people of Ziph. At Engedi there seemed to be a complete and harmonious reconciliation between David and Saul. Yet, in just a brief time, Saul was again hunting David. …
Job’s Past Was Glorious
Forgetting for a moment his own condition and the miserable comfort of his friends, Job turned his attention to the way things had been with him in the past, and manifested a longing for a return to those days (vv. 1-2), when the radiance and light of God’s presence had bro …
Conduct surrounding the Love Feasts
The next item Paul brings to their attention in this chapter is the “love feast.” From the very early days of the church, it was customary for the believers to eat together before they partook of the Lord’s Supper (Acts 2:42, 46). The called this meal the “love feast.” This meal was part of the …