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Jacob Tricks Isaac In To Blessing Him
In today’s passage, all participants were at fault: 1. Isaac knew that it was God’s plan for the elder Esau to serve the younger Jacob, but he chose to ignore it. Esau was his favorite son and he intended to give him his blessing …
Joseph Interprets Pharoah’s Dreams
Pharaoh told how in his dream seven skinny cows ate seven healthy cows (vv. 17-21). In another dream seven thin heads of grain swallowed seven good heads of grain (vv. 22-24). His magicians could not tell him the meaning. After hearing the dreams Joseph immed¬iately interprets them. Both …
The Abrahamic Covenant
We need to keep in mind that the context of this chapter is soon after Lot has gone back to Sodom. Abraham was wondering whether his efforts to rescue and restore his backsliding nephew had been totally useless. Now God comes to Abraham to discuss some family affairs …
Abraham Tells Abemelech Sarah is His Sister
As this chapter opens, we find Abraham on the move. We are not told why he is moving but we find him rounding up his flocks and moving southward along the same road that has once taken him to Egypt (v. 1). Since God seems to be silent in this situation Abraham may have been acting …
Noah Builds the Ark
Exactly who were “the sons of God” and “the daughters of men” (vv. 1-4)? Here are two common views: (1) The sons of God were the godly line of Seth, and the daughters of men were descendants of Cain. (2) The sons of God were rulers controlled by fallen angels who intermarried with wicked …
God Promises Abraham a Son
In the heat of the day, Abraham was sitting in the doorway of his tent enjoying the breeze when he saw three men approaching (vv. 1-8). These three were not just ordinary men – one was the Lord (v. 13), and the other two were angels. After greeting them, Abraham hastened into the tent …
Jacob’s First Encounter with God
The next eight chapters of Genesis are about Jacob. We see God saving Jacob (Chap. 28), subduing him (Gen. 29-32), separating him (Gen. 33-34), and sanctifying him (Gen. 35). Isaac gave Jacob some advice. He told him not to marry a pagan but to walk in the ways of the Lord. The reason for …
Joseph Goes to See His Brothers Who Hate Him
The events of this chapter took place a few years before Isaac’s death, while Jacob and his family were living near Hebron (v. 1). The story begins with Joseph, the 17-year-old son of Jacob, bringing a bad report to his father about his half-brothers (v. 2). Naturally his brothers Envy him …
It Rained 40 Days And Nights
There are books written by liberal theologians that take the position that the Flood was local. They say that it was confined to the Tigris – Euphrates valley and formed sort of a big swimming pool over there, and that is all there was. May I say that the Bible makes it very clear that there was a …
Joseph’s Rise to Power
Pharaoh and his officials were impressed with Joseph. They saw the touch of God’s Spirit on his life (vv. 37-38). Pharaoh made Joseph governor of all of Egypt (vv. 39-41), placed his ring on his hand (v. 42), gave him royal clothing to wear, let him ride to ride in the second chariot, and had …