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How Wisdom Will Keep You Out of Trouble
Wisdom will keep us out of trouble. In (vv 10-13) we have the ways of wisdom, (vv 14-17) the ways of wickedness and a summary in (vv 18-19) of both distinctions.We can’t help but notice that the beginning of this chapter said to listen to the father, (v. 1) and again (v. 10 …
Mary Visits Elizabeth
Almost immediately after receiving Gabriel’s message, Mary`prepared to visit her cousin Elisabeth who lived some sixty or more miles south of Nazareth in the Judean hill country (vv. 39-41). As she rushed off to visit her relative, she must have wondered if the events of the la …
The People of Israel Will be Brought Back
The text begins in this passage by focusing on the puffed-up minds of men (v. 25). It ends with Paul falling before God in praise, based upon the infinite and unfathomable wisdom of God (vv. 33-36). These words are a most appropriate conclusion. They conclude not only the argument of …
Daniel’s Faithfulness
The king wanted these young men to be strong and healthy so he said that they were to eat the same food he ate and drink the same wine that was served to him. They knew that if they were to eat the king’s food, they would break God’s law. This food may have been offered to …
Jesus Brings Salvation to Zaccheus’s Home
Jesus comes in contact with Zachaeus as he passes through Jericho (vv. 1-2).Some interesting things about Zachaeus are as follows: He was rich (v. 2). He was not only a tax collector but a chief of tax collectors.He thought he was seeking Jesus (v. 3), but Jesus was se …
Exiled Jews Return to Their Homeland
Recognize God’s Providence – (v. 1) – This involved three deportations and three returns.Relate to God’s Precepts (vv. 2-4)His purpose (v. 2)His people (v. 3)His provision (v. 4)Respond to God’s Plan (vv. 5-11)Those who Go (v. 5)Those who Give (v. 6)Those who Guide (vv. 7- …
God Ministered to Jonah
Though Jonah is angry at God (vv. 1-4), God still cares for him and demonstrates this by preparing a gourd to grow up and provide shade for Jonah’s head. Jonah was happy for the provision of this plant, but apparently he does not recognize it as having come from the hand of God …
Prediction of Isaiah
Responding to Hezekiah’s prayer, the Lord sent a message to the King through Isaiah. This message is given in three parts as we see recorded in the last half of this chapter. 1. The Assyrians would be driven back (vv 21-29). Th …
Jesus’ Claims To His Identity
We will find in this passage four claims made by Jesus regarding His identity. …
The Ninevites Lose Everything
Nineveh fell in 612. B.C. to a combined force of Babylonians, Medes, and Scythians who pillaged the city of its vast treasures and then burned it to the ground. Once the dam blocking the Tigris River was released, there was nothing the Ninevites could do to stop the destruction and loss. They …