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Joseph’s Promise to His Brothers And His Death
John Phillips in his book EXPLORING GENESIS says this about the book of Genesis. It begins with creation and ends with a coffin. It begins with glory and ends with a grave. It begins with the vastness of eternity and ends with the shortness of time. It begins with the living God …
A Companion For Adam
In these verses we find out what it was like on the earth the day it was created (v. 4). There was no life, no growth, no rain and no one to till the ground. God personally made us, not by the spoken word (like He did when He made the sun, the moon, the water, the animals, etc.). The text …
The Lord’s First Promise to Isaac
Isaac found himself overwhelmed by famine and decides to go to Egypt until it was over (v. 1). Abraham had done the same thing with negative results. But the Lord appeared to Isaac and promised to bless him if he stayed in the land (vv. 2-5). Isaac agreed and moved to Gerar, a town …
The Water Goes Down
The first 8 words are very special (v. 1). “And God remembered Noah, and every living thing.” “Every living thing” was on the ark in a sea of nothingness. God sent a “wind” over the earth and that the waters then receded (v. 1). After 40 days it stopped raining (v. 2), then for 150 days (about …
God Tests Abraham
The word tempt (v. 1) could better be translated test. God does not temp anyone with evil (James 1:13) but He does test. The Lord wanted to see if Abraham truly trusted Him to provide descendants as he had promised. Abraham gave instant unquestionable obedience. Would he try …
Jacob Moves His Flocks to Canaan
God could not allow Jacob to settle forever in the land from which years before he had called Abraham, so He allowed things to turn sour. Animosity was growing against him by Laban and his sons (vv. 1-2). Also, God had told Jacob to return to his own land (v. 3). Up to this point Jacob …
The Brothers Bring Benjamin to Joseph
The story now focuses on Joseph’s plans. The brothers again went to Egypt and this time Benjamin was with them. As soon as they arrived, they were taken to Joseph’s house (vv. 16-17). They were frightened because they did not know what he would do to them (v. 18). Soon a servant brought …
The Conflict between Esau And Jacob
Twenty years after Sarah’s death Abraham decided to get married again to a woman named Keturah (vv. 1-4). Abraham had six sons with her. One of these sons was Midian, the father of the Midianites, future enemies of Israel. Abraham wisely decided to secure the succession of the …
Abram and Lot Separate
Having failed the Lord, Abraham left Egypt with his family and possessions, a sad but wiser man. No doubt he made a choice and promised himself he would never again step out of the will of God. We see 3 characteristics in the life of Abraham that are characteris¬tic of a spiritual man (vv. 1-4) …
The Beginning of Sin
This is the story of the fall of mankind. There are four steps that Eve took on the path to sin and these are the same steps we find it happening today: (1) she saw the opportunity to sin, (2) she desired it, (3) she indulgence in it, & (4) she involved others (Adam) in it. We could also add …