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New Babes in Christ
Children are important to God. In order to demonstrate the importance God attaches to them, the Lord gave the disciples the following illustration (v. 10). Suppose a man who owns one hundred sheep suddenly discovers that one is missing (vv. 11-12). Will he not leave them and sear …
A Promise And a Warning
In this passage God makes promises about directing His people into the promised land where the laws just given will be practiced. It contains promises of cursing for those who disobey and blessings for those who obey (vv. 20-22). When the people arrive in Canaan God promises to d …
Idolatry is Foolishness
In this passage Isaiah describes how people make their own god’s. This exposure of idolatry is the most powerful in the Bible. How absurd to make a god from the same tree that gives firewood. It shows how those who make idols are just like them: blind and ignorant and not …
The Ordination of Aaron And His Sons
The Lord said to Moses (v. 1): Send for Aaron and his sons, as well as their priestly clothes for ordination, the bull for the sin offering, the two rams, and a basket of bread made without yeast (v. 2). Then bring the whole community of Israel together at the entrance to the sac …
The Sabbath Day is Still Saturday
God told Jeremiah to stand at the gate of the people (v. 19). Which gate this was is unknown, though it is identified as the gate through which the kings go in and out. The spot was selected because of the large number of people who passed by. Possibly this was the Eastern Gate t …
Sampson’s Parents Make a Vow
Manoah and his wife did not have any children because she was barren. So, the birth of Samson was miraculous as was the birth of Isaac, or Joseph or Benjamin. Manoah accepted that the visitor was a “man of God” (v.8), prayed for a second visit and that he and his wife would be prepared for
Avoid Worldly Wisdom
Our bodies are the temple of the Holy Spirit and not some building or temple where the believers meet as it was in Old Testament days. Paul is warning the Corinthian believers that if they use cheap materials in building the temple, God will destroy it (vv. 16-17). The builder will see the …
Evil Rulers and Lying Prophets
In this chapter Micah denounces the leaders of Israel for their sins. First, it is the princes; second, the prophets, who were the spiritual leaders; and last, all the leaders of Jerusalem, including the princes, the prophets, and the priests. “Hear, I pray you, O heads of …
The Reaction of The Jews
Jesus then rebukes the crowd for their lack of faith (v.36). They had the great privilege of seeing Him, and yet they refused to believe. It is evident here that seeing does not necessarily lead to believing. He goes on to explain that salvation involves both divine soverei …
Moses Flees to Midian
Moses comes to the aid and rescued seven girls that were the daughters of the priest of Midian, and had come to draw water (vv. 16-17). When Reuel, the father hears about this heroism of Moses he invites Moses to eat with them (vv. 18-20). Later Reuel gives one of the girls, Zipp …