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The Passover
Don’t pass over the Passover. This is God’s memorial day. The Passover marks the beginning of deliverance from bondage and the beginning of the Jewish religious year (vv. 1-2). The Lord said, “When I see the blood, I will pass over you” (v.13). The sprinkle …
Paul’s Experience on the Damascus Road
Paul tells how grateful he is that God had confidence in him when he had been so opposed to God’s Son (vv. 12-14). He had cursed Jesus, called Him a fake, and went after his followers. He had not deliberately acted against what he knew was right but had blindly and mistakenly thought he was …
Daniel is Promoted
God’s kingdom will never be destroyed (v. 44). If we are upset by threats of war and the prosperity of evil leaders we need to remember that God and not our world leaders decide the outcome of history. Under God’s protection, God’s kingdom is indestructible. Those who bel …
Jesus Touched The Leper And Healed Him
Keep in mind that lepers were considered unclean by the Jews and were required to keep a safe distance so they would not contaminate them (Lev. 13 & 14). A person with leprosy becomes a walking mess of foul-smelling ulcerated growths whose face louses human appearance. …
Our Responsibilities toward the Elderly & Widowed
Paul tells Timothy how important it is that he has a right attitude as he deals with people in the church. Since Timothy was a younger man, he might be tempted to ignore the older members. (1) To older people we must show affection and respect (vv. 1-2). An older man is to be treated like a …
Jesus Teaches in Parables
In our passage today we look at three parables of Jesus, and each parable contains a paradox about God’s Kingdom. A paradox is simply a statement or idea that appears to be contradictory. A Lamp (4:21-23) – Even though God’s kingdom came to our world concealed, God wan …
Josiah’s Reformation
Josiah was a lad of only eight when his father Amon died and he was crowned king to rule over Judah for 3l years (v. 1). He shares with Hezekiah and Asa the distinction of being one of Judah’s greatest kings (v. 2). The first seventeen years of his reign are left without comme …
Peace Within the Land
Much of this chapter speaks of preparation being made for the coming of the Lord and for the restoration of His people. The Lord announced that He will continue to work on Jerusalem’s behalf until her righteousness, salvation, and glory are observed by the rest of the wor …
Woe to Those Trusting in Military Defense
This chapter starts out with Isaiah prophesying a time of righteousness and justice. He talks about a king who will reign in this time (vv 1-4). No historical king ever fit this description. The prophet is speaking of a time when godly conditions that shall be “as the …
The Battle of Armageddon
This passage concerns the return of the Lord to the earth to set up His kingdom (v. 1). The conquerors will divide the spoil in the midst of Jerusalem. Having given the effect, the prophet now gives the cause: “For I will gather all nations against Jerusalem to battle (v. 2) …