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The Law Was Temporary And Required a Mediator
What was the purpose of the Law? It was given to show that we sin. The Law was a dramatic event (Ex. 19) in comparison with the giving of the covenant to Abraham (Gen. 15). The Judaizers were impressed with the emotional externals and they were saying “In order for a person …
The Changeless Promise
The Judaizers thought they had Paul backed into a corner. If salvation does not involve the law, then why was the law given in the first place. Our faith is a logical faith and can be defended on rational grounds. Paul uses a logical argument that the law cannot change the p …
Salvation is Not of The Law
The basis of salvation is the issue in this passage. Is salvation through Christ alone or does it come through Christ and adherence to the law. If observing the Jewish laws cannot justify us, why should we still obey the ten commandments and other Old Testament laws? Paul says we …
Paul Confronts Peter About Hyprocrisy.
Apparently sometime after the conference described in the previous verses, Peter came from Jerusalem to Antioch (v. 11). At first he mingled freely with the Gentiles, enjoying their fellowship. Then some men from Jerusalem arrived who were following strict Jewish traditions. They …
The Law is Not Contrary to The Promise
Paul continues his logical argument by spilling out briefly and clearly the purpose of the Law. First of all he says that before Christ we were kept under the Law which gives the idea of being surrounded and protected by prison guards (v. 23). He goes on to explain how the Law di …
Christ Died to Set us Free From Laws And Regulations
Christ died to set us free from sin and from a long list of laws and regulations. He came to set us free but not free to do whatever we want because that would lead us back into slavery to our selfish desires. Paul says to stand fast in our liberty in Christ (v. 1). He often tell …
Bearing And Sharing The Burdens
Paul uses a hypothetical case of a believer who falls into sin. Instead of trying to restore this person the Legalists will condemn him and try to make himself look good by making this person look bad. He seems to rejoice when this brother falls and often gives the matter w …
Decendants of Esau
The first eight verses give us details about Esau and his family; his wives who he chose from the women of Canaan (vv. 1-3), his sons (vv. 4-5), and his enormous wealth (vv. 6-8). Esau was Edom and the Edomites were his descendants. He had three wives, Adah, Oholibamah and Basemath …
Jacob Blesses His Sons
In this chapter we find Jacob calling his sons to his bedside and telling them what will happen to them in the days ahead (vv. 1-2). The key expression, “In the last days” (v. 1) signifies the last days in prophetic literature (Ezek. 38:16) or points more …
Abraham’s Servant Finds a Wife for Isaac
This chapter reveals Abraham’s dedication to finding a godly mate for his son Isaac. Abraham’s eldest servant was selected for the task (v. 2). This may have been Eleazar (Gen. 15:2). Abraham is now approximately 140 years old, and his son Isaac is 40. It is evident that the old patriarch was …