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Those Who Love Him Will Prosper
Deborah called on her own soul to be in earnest. He that will set the hearts of other men on fire with the love of Christ, must himself burn with love. The Canaanite kings came looking for the spoil of battle, as they charged up the Valley of Jezreel with their 900 chariots of iron (vv. 17-19) …
The Goal of the Soldier, Athlete and Farmer
We do not get and keep the ministry for ourselves. It is our responsibility to guard and invest the Word in the lives of others who share with the next generation of believers (vv. 1-2). Paul uses three common illustrations to emphasize his point. A soldier – We are to “en …
Laws Governing the Priest
After the temple was described, its daily operation was explained to Ezekiel. A new way of life and worship will be practiced by the people during the Millennium. Yet in describing the holy standards in Israel’s future worship, Ezekiel asked the people of his day to reevalu …
Jesus in The Garden of Gethsemane
Jesus knew that before the day was done He would die, and not just die but die a very painful death. Oh sure, he was God and He could make it so it wouldn’t hurt, but that wasn’t a part of the plan. Dying would be the easy part and Jesus Christ, the son of God knew th …
Moses Gives The Principles of Military Service And Warfare
In this chapter Moses lays down principles of military service and warfare. They are as follows: 1. Never fear an enemy’s horses and chariots. This is because the winning of battles will never be determined by mere military strength (v. 1). Instead, it would be determined by …
Paul’s Determination To Go To Jerusalem
Notice verse 22 where it says that Paul was going to Jerusalem “bound in the spirit” (small “s”). This may indicate that this was not a Holy Spirit compulsion, but he was doing it by his own self-will. Some Bible scholars, such as Donald Grey Barnhouse and Joh …
The Resurrection of Jesus
Almost all biographies end with the death and burial of the subject. I am sure that you have never read one that describes the subject’s resurrection from the dead. The fact that John shared the resurrection miracle is proof that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. This section of John’s Gospel …
The Levites Were Set Apart to Serve
When God divided the Promised Land among the 12 tribes the tribe of Levi did not receive a portion of the land. However, 48 cities were set aside for the Levites (Numbers 35:1-8). The Lord was their inheritance. The emphasis of the first eight verses of this chapter is that …
Failure in Northern Canaan
Judah’s victories were by no means complete. She was unable to cope with her enemy’s chariots of iron. Benjamin was not able to drive out the Jebusites from their portion of the land. Manasseh was unable to overthrow the Canaanites in her own terrain (vv. 21-22). She kept them in servitude …
Jesus Origin
Many Jews falsely understood that no one would know the origin or birthplace of the Messiah, and since they knew of Jesus’ origins, He could not be the Messiah. They knew where the Messiah would be born, but they also knew that His birth would be supernatural (Isa. 7:14). In oth …