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Locusts Cover The Land
The only fact given about Joel is that he was the son of Pethuel (v. 1). Two unique and never-to-be forgotten events are prophesied in this book. These are to be remembered and communicated to their decedents: the locust plague upon Israel and the day of the Lord. Nothing …
Oppression And Luxury Condemned
Much the same as in our day, the women of Judah had placed their emphasis on clothing and jewelry rather than in God. It would seem from what we read in the last half of this chapter that they dressed to gain approval and to be fashionable. Instead of being concerned abou …
The Altar of Burnt Offering
In giving instructions about the tabernacle God progressed from within to the courtyard outside the tabernacle. A large altar of acacia wood covered with brass rested outside (vv. 1-8). It was about seven feet square and almost five feet high which was large enough to burn the sacrifice…
Discipline of the Servant
The prophet gives a new song of praise to the Lord (v. 10). People everywhere should sing and shout to the Lord as a result of the world-wide message of salvation which the Servant of the Lord shall proclaim. This passage can be interpreted as the Gentiles singing praise …
The Service of Christian Workers
If you tell others about me I will tell others that you belong to me, but if you reject me, I will tell my Father in heaven that you don’t belong to me (vv. 32-33). Once we have identified our self with Jesus Christ we are part of a war that started between God and Satan back in …
David’s Thanksgiving to God
At the beginning of this chapter, David is a bit too prideful of himself. Three times he is referred to as “the king” in the first three verses. He is also referred to as “the king” (v. 18), but only to highlight the change in his thinking from earlier in the c …
The Ammonites And Syrians Defeated
It appears that Nahash, king of the Ammonites, became David’s friend when he was fleeing from Saul. Whatever the reason, the text makes it clear that David considered Nahash an ally and a friend and had every intention of honoring him when he sent a delegation to morn his death ( …
God’s Love for Jerusalem
Few nations have possessed the proud national consciousness of Israel. Patriotic feeling burned brightly. Israel’s past made it impossible for her to be indifferent to the elements of greatness in her history. Ezekiel, however, did not share her pride. One commentary said …
King Xerxes Hosted a Banquet For His Officials
Esther’s story begins 103 years after Nebuchadnezzar had taken the Jews into captivity (II Kings 25), 54 years after Jerubbabel led the first group of exiles back to Jerusalem (Ezra 1:2) and 25 years before Ezra led the second group to Jerusalem (Ezra 7). Only Esther tells us anything about …
Who Christ Says we are as Christians
In these two verses Peter is dealing with AN IDENTITY CRISIS. We live in a world where many people, both in and out of the body of Christ are experiencing an identity crisis. In light of our identity crisis, we must deal with the pre-conceived opinion of: WHO THE WORLD T …