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The Time of the End
This passage reveals Four promises about Israel’s future (vv. 1-3).1. There will be a time of trouble (v. 1). This is the same time of trouble described already in detail in Daniel 11:36-45. It will be a time of great trouble and tribulation, especially for the Jewish …
Moving The Ark to Jerusalem
David prepared once again to relocate the Ark of the Covenant in Jerusalem. He may have chosen to move the ark on a cart the first time (13:7) because it was the method successfully used by the Philistines who were ignorant of God’s word (l Samuel 6:7). However, he learned through Uzziah’s …
Man Healed at the Pool of Bethesda
Jesus was in Jerusalem for another feast (v. 1). John Gospel is unique in that it includes several stories about Jesus observing the various religious feasts in Jerusalem. During his time in Jerusalem, Jesus went by the pool, called Bethesda, which is just north of the Sheep Gate (v. 2). …
What Really Makes People Unclean
Jesus called the crowd together and asked them to listen to what He had to say and try to understand the important information He had to share with them (v. 10). He told them that it was not the type of food they put in their mouth that made them unclean and unfit to worship …
Jerusalem Council–Discussion Re: Moses’ Law
The chairman of this Jerusalem council was James, the half brother of Jesus, who did not believe in Him until after the resurrection (v. 13). Peter was also an important participant in this meeting. It appears that at least four different meetings were involved in this strategic …
Samuel Gathered the leaders of Israel together
Saul returns home, and says nothing about the private anointing (vv. 14-16). He told his uncle about finding the donkeys with Samuel’s help, but Saul said nothing about the kingship. Samuel calls an assembly of all Israel. There, perhaps by use of Urim and Thummim, Saul is public …
Counsel for Single and Married Christians
Christians in Corinth were surrounded by sexual temptation. The city had a reputation even among the heathen for sexual immorality and religious prostitution. It was in this kind of society that Paul delivered these instructions on sex and marriage. He deals with a set of problems concerning which …
Crowds Come to See Jesus Performing Miracles
The news of Jesus performing miracles is spreading rapidly. The more He healed the more the crowds increased. People were coming from all over Palestine and even the lands beyond. The reason so many were flocking to the Lord is clear: Their curiosity had gotten the best of them a …
Moses at The Burning Bush
After 40 years of training in the courts of Pharaoh, Moses now is near the end of another 40 years of his life as a shepherd. Leading his father-in-law Jethro’s flock, in search of grasslands, Moses approached Mount Horeb in the desert of Sinai (v. 1).One day as he was out …
Bodily Discharges From a Man
In this chapter we have reference to certain bodily functions, discharges from the body, which many feel are so personal that it is not proper to read this in public nor to refer to it openly. But I like pastor Ray Stedman’s answer to this when he says: “If this chapter sho …