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Prayer For Relief From Adversaries
This brief Psalm records a prayer by David, asking for a quick rescue from his present circumstances (v. 1). The psalmist was desperate, his circumstances were urgent, his enemies were gloating over his misfortunes. God did not seem to be acting fast enough, this was an SOS …
David Sings a Song of Praise
This psalm may have been written toward the end of David’s life when there was peace. God is being praised for His wonderful works and blessings. It seems that David sang this Psalm of praise after “the Lord delivered him from the hand of all his enemies, and from the hand of Saul.” His …
Prayer For God’s Protection
In this passage it seems that the psalmist was old and saw life as a testimony of all God had done for him. He finds himself approaching the last lap of his journey in the service of God, he had run a good race, he had kept the faith, and he pleads with God for strength to finish …
The Destruction of a Man of Treachery
This passage was written by David as he described Doeg an Edomite who was a dangerous and ungodly man. Doeg is called a “mighty man” (v. 1) because he was the chiefest of the herdsmen that belonged to Saul (I Samuel 2:7). Any hatred King Saul had toward David was magnif …
An Appeal to God’s Love And Compassion
This Psalm was written by David sometime after his great sin with Bathsheba and his murder of Uriah (II Samuel 11:3-4). Some Bible scholars think it was about one year after this fateful event that Nathan came to David with his story about a poor man’s lamb that was stolen …
Praising God For All He Has Done
One day the Jews in Jerusalem looked out the gates of their city and were terrified to see their Assyrian enemies camped outside. The Assyrian tents were still there and their flags were flapping in the breeze. However vultures were circling the camp and there was a stillness of …
God’s Word is True
We need to balance the Word and prayer in our devotional life and ministry, for all Bible and no prayer can produce a life that is cold and sterile, but all prayer and no Bible could result in zeal without knowledge. The spiritual leaders in the early church gave themselves to pr …
Obedience to God’s Word
Many in our world see the Bible as merely a book of dos and don’ts. But we as Christians see it as the inerrant, infallible, inspired Word of God. Our love of God and our love for His Word should be inseparable. In this passage we are told how to keep the characteristics of a godly person…
The Lord is Good
In this life we hear many clichs like, live and let live, time will tell, when at first you don’t succeed try again etc. In Christian circles we often hear “Praise the Lord,” which can come flying out of our mouth without much thought behind it. However in this …
Future Millennial Kingdom of Christ
This psalm can be divided into two major parts. First we can see the Lord celebrating as the reigning One (vv. 1-9) and then as the righteous One (vv. 10-12). One who will not only reign with invincible power, but with absolute integrity. As great as this victory was, it wa …