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Angels from the Euphrates

Date: January 29, 2020
Topic: Death
Passage: Revelation 9:13–21

The sixth trumpet is sounded and four angels (clearly demons) who are bound by the Euphrates River are released. They then kill a third of the world’s population (vv. 13-15). Already the fourth seal resulted in a fourth of the earth’s people being killed and now another third of the …

Ananias and Sapphira Hide the Truth

Topic: Hypocrisy
Passage: Acts 5:1–11

The last few verses of chapter 4 tell how church members were selling their possessions and bring-ing the money to the church. The people were praising God for the generous offering of Barnabas. Ananias and Sapphira decided that they would like to have the people think they were as spiritual …

Haman Hanged on His Own Gallows

Date: January 28, 2020
Topic: Vengeance
Passage: Esther 7:1–10

This chapter gives a pointed example of reaping what you sow (Gal. 6:7). This final banquet for Haman was prepared by Esther in her apartment and attended by her husband (the king), Haman and herself (v. 1). While they lingered at the table after a nice meal, the king once again pressed …

Joshua’s Farewell Address

Topic: Compromise
Passage: Joshua 23:9–16

As this chapter opens some twenty years have passed since the wars in Canaan. Joshua knew that his days on this earth were numbered. He had a deep concern, for he observed a growing complacency on the part of Israel toward the Canaanites that still dwelt in the land which should …

Asa Continued His Reform Efforts

Date: January 27, 2020
Topic: Priority
Passage: 2 Chronicles 15:1–19

Asa was the fifth king of the House of David and the third of the Kingdom of Judah. He was the son of Abijah, and great-grandson of Solomon. Azariah the son of Obed, a prophet of the Lord went to meet Asa and challenged him to remain true to the Lord so he could continue to enjoy the …

Judgment on Wicked Counselors

Topic: Judgment
Passage: Ezekiel 11:1–13

The city gate was where merchants and politicians conducted business, so the 25 men may have represented the nation’s rulers (vv. 1-4). Because of their leadership positions, they were responsible for leading the people astray. They had wrongly said they were secure from …

The Abandoned Apostle

Date: January 24, 2020
Topic: Companionship
Passage: 2 Timothy 4:9–15

Paul sends word to Timothy to hurry and come to Rome to be by his side (v. 9). It seems that in the face of approaching death the apostle craves to have his beloved “child in the faith” Timothy with him. He is lonely and in need of Timothy because most of his co …

Fellowship by the Sea

Topic: Fellowship
Passage: John 21:9–14

Jesus already had his own fish and bread cooking over a charcoal fire (v. 9). John specifically told us that Peter denied Jesus thrice standing next to a similar charcoal fire (John 18:18). Jesus was preparing Peter’s heart for the lesson He was about to teach him. The presence of bread and fish …

The Beast and His Armies Defeated

Date: January 23, 2020
Topic: Armageddon
Passage: Revelation 19:17–21

A description is given of the most frightening holocaust in human history, the Battle of Armageddon (vv. 17-21). The name “Armageddon” means that mount of slaughter. The place is in Palestine on the edge of the plain of Esdraelon. The participants are several hostile groups led …

A lame man healed

Date: January 21, 2020
Topic: Praise
Passage: Acts 3:1–10

It was three o’clock in the afternoon and a prayer meeting was about to start in the temple (v. 1). A new faith had come to Peter and John, but they still followed the law of Moses. For them, the new faith and the old discipline could walk hand in hand. Peter and John were opposites in their …

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