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Days Set For National Public Worship And Sacrifice

Date: February 24, 2020
Topic: Feasts
Passage: Leviticus 23:1–14

In this chapter the Lord instructed His people to reserve certain dates on their calendar for national public worship and sacrifice. Calendars are a normal part of our modern busy world, but they weren’t that important to the people of Israel in Moses day. The Jews worked from s …

Healing Miracles of Christ

Topic: Healing
Passage: Matthew 8:1–17

In chapters 8-9 Matthew records 10 miracles. The first three miracles of healing are: The leper healed – (v. 1-4), After Jesus touched and healed the leper. He told him to go to the priest and offer the proper sacrifice for cleansing as Moses had prescribed (Lev. 14). …

Solomon Prepares to Build The Temple

Topic: Restoration
Passage: Isaiah 30:18–33

Hiram, King of Tyre, located on the Mediterranean Sea north of Israel, sent his envoys to pay his respects to Solomon the new King. Hiram had been an ally and friend of King David and had supplied materials and laborers to build David’s palace (II Sam. 5:11). Now Solomo …

Trouble with the Jewish Leaders

Topic: Disbelief
Passage: John 9:13–23

Because of Jesus’ compassion and healing of this blind man, He soon found Himself in trouble with the Jewish leaders (v. 16). His act of deliberately healing the man on the Sabbath Day caused …

Ishboseth is Murdered

Date: February 22, 2020
Topic: Reaction
Passage: 2 Samuel 4:1–12

When Ishboseth heard that Abner was dead in Hebron he fell into complete despair. Instead of causing him to reassert his own authority over Israel it only increased his instability and brought a sense of panic to the nation (v. 1). Two Benjamite brothers, who were commanders in I …

What The Kingdom of Heaven is Like

Date: February 21, 2020
Topic: Values
Passage: Matthew 13:44–52

In this fifth parable Jesus compares the kingdom of heaven to “a treasure” hidden in a field (v. 44). Since the Lord did not explain this parable there are various interpretations of how it can be applied. Since the Word of God makes it very clear in m …

Cities of The Levites

Date: February 20, 2020
Topic: Complacent
Passage: Joshua 21:1–45

As has been previously stated, the Levites, the servants of God, were not to own their own land in Canaan. Instead, they were to be scattered among the other tribes as stated by Moses in his final message to the tribes, “They shall teach Thine ordinances to Jacob, and Thy law to Israel” …

A Reminder to Future Generations

Topic: Monuments
Passage: Joshua 4:15–24

Men are always building monuments to memorialize the achievements of man. But where are the monuments to display the goodness and greatness of God? In this passage we find just such a memorial as it points to the crossing of the multitudes of Israelites as they passed over the dry …

Cornelius on a Mission for God

Topic: Religion
Passage: Acts 10:1–8

The tenth chapter of Acts tells a story that is one of the great turning points in the history of the Church. For the first time a Gentile is to be admitted into its fellowship. Since Cornelius is so important in church history, let us gather what we can learn about him…

Tongues a Sign to Unbelievers

Date: February 19, 2020
Topic: Understanding
Passage: 1 Corinthians 14:18–25

As a nation, the Jews were always seeking a sign (Matt. 12:38, I Cor. 1:22). At Pentecost, the fact that the apostles spoke in tongues was a sign to the unbelieving Jews who were there celebrating the feast. The miracle of tongues aroused their interest, but it did not convict their hearts. It took …

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