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Following Christ May Bring Persecution

Date: March 25, 2020
Topic: Persecution
Passage: 1 Peter 4:1–6

Peter explains how the Christian who stands true to Christ during persecution doesn’t do evil. Christ never returned evil for evil and the Christian who has the right attitude of Christ toward suffering will not strike out against his persecutors …

Paul Preaches in Athens

Date: March 24, 2020
Topic: Ridiculing
Passage: Acts 17:22–34

As we read through Paul’s sermon in Athens, keep in mind the beliefs held by those to whom he was addressing and observe how Paul interacted with those beliefs. The Epicureans in the crowd were more materialistic and non-religious, believing that life was for pursuing pleasure, while the …

Persecution is Bound to Come

Topic: Desire
Passage: 1 Thessalonians 2:13–16

This passage can be divided into two topics:The Word of God within you (v. 13). We must never treat the Bible as we would some other book. This verse communicates the idea that the Word of God is to be taken by us. It means to welcome eagerly. When we receive the Bible, we’re say …

Exhortation to Readiness

Topic: Commitment
Passage: 2 Corinthians 9:1–5

Why is it that Christians often need to be motivated to give when God has given us so much? God had provided for the Corinthians in such a wonderful way, and yet they were hesitant to share what they had with others. One year before this, the Corinthians had enthusiastically said they would …

Duties of The Priests

Topic: Duties
Passage: 1 Chronicles 24:1–31

1. David assigns the Priests their Duties. (vv. 1-19)Aaron’s descendants were divided into work groups (v. 1). Aaron had four sons but two died (Nadab and Abihu) (v. 2). That is why Eleazar and Ithamar served as priests …

Nile Changed to Blood

Date: March 21, 2020
Topic: Calamities
Passage: Exodus 7:14–25

It is thought by some Bible scholars that the 10 plagues listed in this portion of Scripture may have occurred over a period of nine months. The first nine came in three series of three each:1. The first three – all disgusting a. Nile changed to …

Division of the Land

Date: March 20, 2020
Topic: Restoration
Passage: Ezekiel 48:1–35

In dividing the millennial land among the people, God will give seven tribes portions in the northern part of the land (vv.1-7). Proceeding from the north these tribes will be Dan (v. 1), Asher (v. 2), Naphtali (v. 3), Manasseh (v. 4), Ephraim (v. 5), Reuben (v. 6), and Jud …

Israel’s Indifference to God

Topic: Credibility
Passage: Malachi 1:6–14

Malachi took dead aim on the priests of his day (v. 6) and delivered a stinging indictment on their careless, haphazard, and profane service to the living God. He lists the sins that the priests were guilty of (vv. 7-8). Three things they offered that according to Malachi were wrong …

Sacrifices For Sin

Date: March 18, 2020
Topic: Sacrifice
Passage: Leviticus 6:14–30

The Lord said: When someone offers a sacrifice to give thanks to me, the priests from Aaron’s family must bring it to the front of the bronze altar (v. 14), where one of them will scoop up a handful of the flour and oil, together with all the incense on it (v. 15). Then, to show …

Paul’s Work as a Missionary

Topic: Missions
Passage: Romans 15:14–19

Before Paul plunges into an account of his own missionary philosophy, he tactfully congratulates his brethren in Rome on their accomplishments (v. 14). He also acknowledges how they are able to admonish one another. Few, if any, can speak with such authority about world missions as the …

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