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Samson Falls in Love
Timnah was located about 4 miles southwest of Zorah which was only about an hour’s walk. It was here that Samson met the first of his lovers and he didn’t seem to be concerned that she was a Philistine (v. 1). He knew the laws of separation God had given to the people, but he chose to ignore
Exhortation to Wait
Jerusalem is described as rebellious, defiled, and oppressive (v. 1). She is rebellious against the will of God, defiled by her sinful practices, and oppressive towards those who she can take advantage of. Furthermore, she refuses to accept correction or communion from her God (v. 2) …
God Expects His People to be Truthful
These verses point out the Lord’s part in bringing truth and blessing to the people. In the past He had been determined to bring disaster on them but now He is determined to bless them. He says, “I will certainly bless you and don’t think that I will change my mind. I did wh …
Jerusalem – God’s Chosen Place of Worship
The writer drew a distinction between those people who lived in Jerusalem and those who lived in Gibeon. There were Benjamites who lived in Jerusalem and others who lived in Gibeon. Gibeon was where the central sanctuary stood during most of Saul’s reign and from then until Solomon …
The Parable of the Rich Fool
This passage explains Jesus teaching against covetousness. It was prompted by a man in the crowd who wanted Him to solve a family problem concerning an inheritance (vv. 13-15). Jesus knew his real problem was covetousness so he told a parable about a rich man who had …
The Altar of Inscense
* The altar for burning Incense (vv. 1-10). This stood inside the tabernacle, in the room with the lampstand and the table of showbread and was the last piece to which the High-Priest came before he entered the Holy of Holies. * The money for the Sacred Tent (vv. 1 …
Don’t Provide Hospitality to False Teachers
Here we see very clearly the danger which John saw in these false teachers (vv. 7-9). They are to be given no hospitality; and the refusal of hospitality would be the most effective way of stopping their work. We can never compromise with mistaken teachers but we are never free f …
Chasten Your Son While There is Hope
It isn’t right for a fool to live in luxury or for a slave to rule in place of a king (v. 10). Good sense makes a man restrain his anger, and it is his glory to overlook a transgression or an offense (v. 11). The king’s wrath is as terrifying as the roaring of a lion, but his favor is as refreshing as dew upon …
Amnon Disgraces Tamar
Absalom, son of David, had a beautiful sister named Tamar. Amnon, David’s son also and Absalom’s brother, fell in love with Tamar his half-sister (vv. 1-6). Frustrated because he failed to win her favor, Amnon sought the counsel of his cousin Jonadab. He advised Amnon …
Solomon Asks For Wisdom
At the end of I Chronicles (29:26-30) we find that David has just died (he was about 70 years of age) (II Samuel 5:4). Solomon takes the royal power fully with a genuine wholehearted devotion to God (v. 1). He is now in complete control of his kingdom because the Lord has blessed him …