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Antioch Believers Send Encouragement to Jerusalem
The church at Jerusalem could no longer ignore what was happening at Antioch. In this passage we find believers, with the gift of prophecy, coming down from Jerusalem to Antioch (v. 27). This New Testament gift of prophecy was unique to the early church. Their function is to be seen in …
The Day When Christ Returns
Repeatedly in the New Testament we are told to watch for the coming of the Lord. In these verses Paul gives several admonitions concerning the coming of the Lord:1. “Wake up” (v. 11) – Many things point to the imminent return of the Lord. Some of these things are: the r …
Jesus Transfers Demons to Pigs
The event recorded here took place near Gergesa, a town on the eastern slope of the Sea of Galilee. There Jesus met two demon possessed men. These men under the influence of demons were violent and had been forced out of the city and were living in a graveyard ( …
Jesus Teaches on Sowing Seed in 4 Types of Soil
Why is it that the hearing of the Word of God does not produce the same results in every heart? As the Word of God is taught to a group of people there are varied responses to it. It is said that it makes some mad, some glad and some sad. The answer is given by the Lord Himself a …
Azariah’s Good Reign in Judah
Azariah was a good king like his father but he too failed to remove the high places. He expanded Judah’s territories southward to Elath (2 Kings 14:22), eastward so that the Ammonites paid him tribute (2 Chron. 26:8) and westward by defeating the Philistines (2 Chron. 26:6, 7).& …
The Parable of the Good Samaritan
A certain lawyer, who was an expert in the law, asked Jesus “What shall I do to inherit eternal life?” (v. 25). It was a good question asked with a bad motive, because the lawyer wanted to trap our Lord. Jesus, as He often did, simply answered hi …
Nehemiah Was Fearful of What Others Think
As Nehemiah was going about his usual duties the king noticed that he was sad and asked, “Why is thy countenance sad, seeing thou art not sick.” (vv. 1-2) At first Nehemiah was frightened because it was dangerous to show sorrow before the king who could execute anyone w …
The Urgency of Giving the Gospel To the World
As this book comes to a close, Paul’s hired house in Rome became the headquarters for world evangelism. He was under house arrest and could not go, but others could. People flocked to him. He led people to Christ, inspired others to go, won members of the Roman guard (Phil …
The marriage supper of the Lamb
In chapter 19 the Great Tribulation is now coming to an end and the spotlight focuses on heaven (v. 1). The bride of Christ (the true church) joins her Bridegroom (the Lord) at "the marriage supper of the Lamb” (v. 7). For the Christians this is a great time of rejoicing as a great multitude in …
Pagan Wives Put Away
Here is a list of the priests who had agreed to divorce their foreign wives and to sacrifice a ram as a sin offering (vv. 18-44). Although putting these pagan wives away was a severe solution, it appears that it only involved 113 of the approximately 29,000 families. This list of …