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Crowd Wanting to be Healed
We find Jesus arriving back on the western shore of the Sea of Galilee not very far from Capernaum in the plain of Gennesaret (v. 53). This was one of the most fertile areas in all Palestine. No sooner had He landed than He was surrounded by a crowd of people (v. 54). Many of them c …
Job is Sick at Heart
Job launches into a complaint about his sufferings. His friends mock him (vv. 1-15), his body hurts him (vv. 16-19), his God has deserted him (vv. 20-23), and his hope has fled from him (vv. 24-31). To suffer extreme loss as Job did was humiliating. Job had lost his family, posse …
Woe to The Wicked
Inasmuch as Babylon was soon to rise to the height of its power and would not be overthrown for another seventy years (until 539 B.C.), the scope of what God revealed to His prophet in this passage was significant. While its message could be applied to different world powers, the …
Paul Requests Prayer For The Ministry
Too often we view prayer as a time for comfort, reflection, or making our requests known to God. But in verse 30 Paul urges believers to join in his struggles by means of prayer. Prayer is also a weapon in all believers’ armor as we intercede for others who join in the fight against Satan …
Christ Coming to Honor Israel
The prophet outlines for us that Jesus will have a two-fold ministry (vv. 1-3). In His First Coming, He will minister providing salvation and grace. In His Second Coming, He will provide judgment to the unbelievers and provide a second opportunity to the Jews. All of God’ …
The Advice of Ahithopel And Hushai
Ahithophel told Absalom that he will choose twelve thousand men and attack David at night while he is tired and discouraged (vv. 1-2). He will panic and everyone will run away so I can kill him (v. 3). Then I will bring everyone back to you and this way there won’t be a civ …
Invasion of Sennacherib
King Hezekiah comes to the throne at a time when Judah was once again threatened by an invasion from the North. He has been king of Judah for 14 years (v. 1). In the next two chapters, Isaiah portrays Hezekiah as someone who believed in God and was miraculously delivered from the …
Godly Sorrow Produces Repentance
One of the most difficult things to do in life is to rebuild a shattered relationship. Unfortunately, there are many broken relationships today in homes, churches, and ministries, which can only be repaired when people face problems honestly and deal with them Biblically and lovingly …
David Attempts to Move The Ark
After David had captured Jerusalem from the Jebusites and made it the capital of Israel and Judah, he was eager to make it the religious center as well. This could not be done, however, till the Ark of the Covenant was returned to a permanent resting place in Jerusalem. The Philistines had …