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The Book of God’s Law
While money was being given to supervisors in the temple, Hilkiah found the book that contained the laws that the Lord had given to Moses (v. 14). Hilkiah gave the book to Shaphan the official and said, “Look what I found” (v. 15). Shaphan took the book to King Josiah a …
God’s Judgment on King Herod
After Peter’s escape, Herod cross-examined the guards and ruthlessly ordered their executions (v. 18). In that day, if a guard permitted a prisoner to escape, Roman law required that he receive the same punishment that the prisoner would have received (v. 19). After this Herod went to Caesarea…
Moses on Mt Sinai
Moses was summoned by the Lord to come upon Mount Sinai where he was to receive the tablets of stone, with the law (v. 12). After the meal Moses and his assistant, Joshua got ready, then Moses leaves the others behind and proceeds up the mountain (v. 13). Apparently Joshua is all …
God’s severe judgment on Korah’s crowd
In these verses, we find that a time of public demonstration was set where Korah and his company were to bring their censers with burning incense before the Lord at the door of the tabernacle (vv. 23-30). At that time, God would identify His holy servants. As the events of …
Stones in God’s Temple
Peter says,"to whom coming, as unto a living stone” (v. 4). The first step in living a holy life is fellowship with Jesus Christ who is the living stone (v. 5). Christ is not only living but gives life to believers. Christ was rejected by men; however, God had …
Naaman Healed of Leprosy
Probably one of the best known accounts from the book of Kings is the one in this passage concerning a Gentile who had leprosy and was healed. This person was a well-known Syrian army officer named Naaman. An Israelite girl who the Syrians had taken prisoner was serving in Naama …
Paul’s Journey to Troas
After the riot in Ephesus, Paul gathered the disciples to say farewell and to encourage them (v. 1). He then departed for Macedonia. It’s likely that this was when he evangelized the province of Illyricum, on the Adriatic Sea across from Italy (Rom. 15:19). From Macedonia, Paul traveled …
The Celebration of The Passover
In celebration of the Passover meal, they were to eat bread made without leaven (v. 15). This is flatbread made with no yeast. In fact, if you ate anything made with yeast during this festival, you would be excommunicated from Israel. The only work they were allowed to do during t …
God Condemns Israel’s Idolatry
God brings a charge of disobedience against Israel (v. l). The religious leader had replaced true worship with ritual prostitution. The nation had gone downhill spiritually and morally, breaking God’s laws. The people were quick to condemn Hosea’s wife for her adultery but slow to see their …
People Ordered to Gather Their Own Straw to Make Bricks
Part of the work of the Hebrew slaves was to take clay and shape it into bricks. They had to mix finely cut-up straw or reeds with the clay so that it would make strong bricks. After Moses and Aaron had gone to Pharaoh asking him to let the Israelite people go, Pharaoh felt that …