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Woes That Isaiah Pronounced on Judah
In this passage Isaiah pronounces a sixfold woe upon the sins of the nation of Judah: Exploiting others (vv. 8-10) – By foreclosing mortgages, the wealthy land owners acquired all the time adjoining land to form huge estates. Drunkenness (vv. 11-17) – He describes peopl …
One of lifes greatest needs
Nothing disciplines the inordinate desires of the flesh like service, and nothing transforms the desires of the flesh like serving in hiddenness. The flesh whines against service but screams against hidden service. It strains and pulls for honor and recognition. It will devise su …
The Warning of Apostasy
If we are going to grow as a Christian, we have to leave the elementary teachings of Christ behind and go forward in Spiritual growth (vv. 1-3). This next passage is perhaps one of the most difficult and controversial passages in the entire Bible (vv. 4-6). The issue centers ar …
Vision of the Measuring Line
The man with the measuring line symbolizes the hope of a rebuilt Jerusalem and a restored people (v. 1). It is amazing that God chooses to accomplish His divine purpose through finite and imperfect people. When God saw Ezekiel’s open and obedient attitude he filled …
God is Israel’s Only Hope
This chapter begins with notes of sorrow (vv. 1-6) and ends with hope (vv. 7-20). Micah watched as society rotted around him. Rulers demanded gifts; judges accepted bribes; and corruption was everywhere. But God promised to lead the people out of the darkness of sin and int …
Love Is More Important than Knowledge
Paul answers one of the most controversial subjects that the Corinthians had asked in their letter. “Is it a sin for Christians to eat meat that has been sacrificed to idols?” The basic principle involved is, “What is the proper Christian attitude toward things that are harmless in themselves but have …
The Lord Will Take Revenge on Babylon
The Lord says Babylon will soon be leveled like a threshing floor at harvest time (v. 33). The Jews reminded the Lord of what Nebuchadnezzar had done to them (vv. 34,35). They said that Nebuchadnezzar had been like a vicious monster who picked up Judah as if it were a jar filled …
Jesus Teaching in Parables
In this passage we find three parables. A parable is an earthly story with a heavenly meaning. Jesus used several parables drawn from everyday life to illustrate the principles He was teaching:The Eye and its Focus (vv. 39-42) – Discernment is the key as we tend to judge.To s …
The Man of Wisdom Will Not Dispute a Fool
Fools are those who make fun of sin and refuse to heed the voice of wisdom. (1) Honoring a fool is Dangerous. Just as weather out of season can destroy crops, a fool raised to a position of honor will hurt everyone who follows him (v. 1). Giving honor to a fool is useless, …
The Lord’s Covenant Promise to David
Not long after David had become king, he mentioned to Nathan that he was bothered because he was living in a palace while the Ark of the Covenant was in a tent (v. 1). Nathan replied now that he was king, he could have whatever he wanted (v. 2). However, the Lord told Nathan that he …