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Simon is Denied the Gift of Healing
When persecution hit the church in Jerusalem, scattering the believers, the apostles were spared, remaining in Jerusalem (v. 1). Eventually word reached them of the work Philip was doing in Samaria (v. 14). The Samaritans had received the Word of God (v. 14), but strangely they had not …
God Spoke to Jeremiah Through Ordinary Experiences
In this passage two signs were given the prophet as sort of an outline of his prophetic ministry: (1) The first was a vision which caused Jeremiah to see the branch of an almond tree (v. 11). This branch represented God who was watching to see that His word is fulfilled (v. 12). …
Visions of Judgment
One of the secrets of being an effective communicator is to have compassion for those we hope to reach. We may not like everything that they do but we must care about them. The compassion Amos felt toward those to whom he had been sent permeates this passage. When the Lord showed …
Blindness to the Truth of the Scriptures
Jesus knew that they would not accept His testimony alone. The Old Testament law required two or three witnesses for a man to be found guilty (Deut. 17:6). Therefore, Jesus supplied actional witnesses. His witness were (1) Himself (vv.30-31), (2) John the Baptist (vv. 33-35), (3) His works …
Solomon’s Prayer at The Temple Dedication
In the passage today God looks up (vv. 12-21). We are looking at a great prayer that Solomon gives at the dedication of the temple in Jerusalem. This is a unique prayer from the Old Testament. It is, perhaps, the only passage in the Old Testament that is a formal prayer utte …
Slaves in Their Own Land
D. The grace of God (vv 32-39) – God was good to His people when His people were not good to Him. In His mercy He didn’t give them what they deserved.The history of the children of Israel is brought up to date (v. 32). In the past they had enjoyed abundant blessings even th …
Nehemiah Dedicates The Wall
The Jews were accustomed to having workers and watchers on the walls of Jerusalem, but now Nehemiah and Ezra assigned people to be worshipers on the walls. They conducted a dedication service with such enthusiasm that their shouts and songs were heard “afar off” (v. 43) …
Blows That Hurt Cleanse Away Evil
There are many ways to get money quickly. You might steal money. You might cheat other people. You might make an evil plan. These methods are all evil. If you do these things, then you will suffer punishments and troubles (v. 21). You should earn money from your work. This is …
Elijah’s Message to Ahab
Soon after Elijah’s experience with the widow at Zarephath, the Word of the Lord came again to him. About three years into the famine God directs Elijah to present himself to King Ahab. There was a great famine in the land. Down in Samaria where the king lived the famine was v …