The Voice of The Lord in a Storm
This Psalm is a majestic description of the omnipotence of God. David, perhaps seated in his palace, sees a tempest coming out of the Mediterranean sea and sweeping across Palestine. In it we can see how the God who is able to cause havoc in the thunderstorms is also able to brin …
David’s Anticipation of Victory
This is known as a michtam psalm. It speaks of that which is substantial, or enduring, or fixed. Michtam literally means “engraven” or “permanent.” This word pictures that which is unmoveable, steadfast, stable and enduring. When David says, “My heart is …
Sailors Are Delivered From a Troubled Sea
Many were in terrible pain, and some were almost dead because of their foolish sins but they prayed and were rescued (vv. 17-19). He restored them by healing them with His word (v. 20). We should praise the Lord and sing joyful songs to tell what He has done (vv. 21-22)…
The Parable of The Mustard Seed
In Palestine, a grain of mustard seed was a symbol for the smallest possible thing. (vv. 30-32) Actually it was not the smallest seed known. Palestinian mustard seed is about the size of our petunia seed. However, this tiny seed when it is planted in the ground becomes a tree that …
The Plague of Hail
The next three plagues all distinctly point to heaven as their place of origin. God sent Moses to talk, early in the morning, with Pharaoh, again, before the next plague (v. 13). Because he would not let the Israelites go, God would be sending another plague (v. 14). He says that …
Storm on The Sea of Galilee
Jesus urged the disciples to row the boat across the lake to Bethsaida, even before He dismissed the crowd (v. 45). Why would He want to do this? Mark does not tell us but perhaps it was because the people wanted to make Jesus king (Jn. 6:15) and this was the last thing He wanted …