The Resurrection of Christians
In the first half of this chapter Paul dealt with the resurrection of Christ. Now, in the last half of the chapter, he deals with the resurrection of Christians. Christ arose and so shall we who know Him. Paul had explored the logical happenings which followed the denial of the bodily …
Jesus Rises From the Dead
This final chapter of Luke records the experiences of several people who had first-hand experiences with the risen Lord. In each case they were depressed because of Jesus’ death, but after meeting with Him they were joyful and praised God. The first people to learn …
Three Proofs of the Resurrection
“Moreover” tells us that Paul has finished his answers to the Corinthians’ questions, and he now goes on to a new subject. This is truly the greatest resurrection chapter of the entire Bible. The first eleven verses present the Gospel message and the evidence for its truthfulness. Paul gives …
The Resurrection and Marriage
The Sadducees were the Jewish religious liberals of that day. They accepted as Scripture only the Five Books of Moses and they denied the resurrection, angels and spirits (Acts 23:8). As a result they denied the very power of God (v. 27). These Sadducees asked Jesus …
Angel Says Jesus is Risen
At sunrise the next morning, which was Sunday, they were at the tomb (vv. 1-2). As they approached the tomb they were concerned about how they might get the stone rolled away from the door (v. 3). However, as they reached the tomb they discovered the stone was already rolled away (v. 4 …
Consequences of Denying the Resurrection
This verse stands as a focal point around which the first nineteen verses revolve (v. 12). “Now if Christ be preached that he rose from the dead” directs our attention to the first eleven verses. “How say some among you that there is no resurrection?” This question looks ahead to verses thirteen …
Whose Wife Shall She Be in The Resurrection?
After Jesus had silenced the Pharisees and Herodians, the Sadducees try their hand at trapping Him. It has been said that the Pharisees were the ritualists, the Herodians the politicians, and the Sadducees the rationalists. This is the only time in Mark’s gospel that the Sad …
Four Types of Resurrections
Jesus defended His actions pointing out that He was only imitating His Father (v. 19). God’s sustaining work on the world has never ceased nor will it (vv. 20-23). Lack of understanding was not the problem. The Jews understood perfectly that Jesus was claiming equality with God. They …
The Resurrection of Jesus
Almost all biographies end with the death and burial of the subject. I am sure that you have never read one that describes the subject’s resurrection from the dead. The fact that John shared the resurrection miracle is proof that Jesus Christ is the Son of God. This section of John’s Gospel …
The Empty Tomb
On Sunday about dawn, a group of women, including Mary Magdalene, Mary the mother of James, Salome, Joanna, and others went to the tomb to anoint Jesus’ body (v. 1). As they approached, an earthquake occurred, and an angel rolled away the stone from the door of the tomb (v. 2). T …