Religious Opposition to Christ’s Followers
Jesus spelled out that living for Him would not be easy and that it would be like sheep living among wolves (v. 16). The words of the Lord had application in His own lifetime and was certainly demonstrated in the lives of the Apostles after Jesus had ascended into heaven. It seem …
The destruction of Babylon
A detailed description of the judgment on Babylon is given in chapters 17-18. No student of the Bible doubts that in historic times there existed a literal city called Babylon. In fact, the Bible is full of information about this city that has a long history dating back to as early as 3,000 years …
Woe to the Lawyers
The lawyers (scribes) of that day were teachers of the Mosaic law who claimed that nobody could understand and explain the law except them (v. 45). In contrast to the day in which we live, their civil law was the same as their religious law, so these lawyers were called stu …
The Pharisaical Religion
This was our Lord’s last public message which was directed especially to the Pharisees. It is said that there were about 6,000 Pharisees in that day and most of them were middle class businessmen. The name Pharisee came from a word that means “to separate” and the Phari …
Cornelius on a Mission for God
The tenth chapter of Acts tells a story that is one of the great turning points in the history of the Church. For the first time a Gentile is to be admitted into its fellowship. Since Cornelius is so important in church history, let us gather what we can learn about him…