Freedom From The Law
Paul rebukes these Galatian believers for backsliding into false teaching. They had turned from the Gospel of Grace and were following the path of legalism. Paul uses the following six arguments to prove that God saves sinners through faith in Christ and not by how they feel …
Blessing of The Millennial Kingdom
This chapter describes how the Lord will preserve His people. Isaiah describes the situation which will exist when the kingdom is established on earth. He speaks of a future time when Israel and other nations will feast in peace and prosperity. This is after the worldwide j …
The Kingdom Divided
Due to Rehoboam’s dictatorial threat, he alienated the 12 tribes and only the closest countrymen from Judah did not abandon him. Rehoboam’s insensitivity to the Israelites’ hardships extinguished any hope they may have entertained of economic recovery. His dictator …