Two Thousand Hogs Drown
It was night time (Mk. 4:35) so you can imagine the eerie scene. At the legion of demons’ request Jesus allowed them to enter into a herd of two thousand hogs coming down the mountain nearby (vv. 11-12). Immediately these swine ran into the lake and drowned (v. 13). The men …
Ahab Defeats The Assyrians
The scene now switches temporarily from Elijah to an account of Ahab’s reign. This chapter begins with the first of three battles over Samaria. These are between Ahab and Ben-hadad, king of Israel’s northern neighbor. This Syrian leader, Ben-hadad, was greedy for lan …
Gehazi’s Greed And Punishment
Naaman returned from the Jordan to Elisha’s house in Israel (about 25 miles). With a deep sense of gratitude and hands full of gifts, he attempted to pay Elisha, but the prophet refused to accept anything for his ministry (vv. 15-16). Naaman’s urging did not budge Elisha. The …
Results of Religious Greed
Paul made plans to return to Greece and Palestine, and then go to Rome (v. 21). Two and a half years had passed since Paul arrived in Ephesus, and he felt his work there was over. To prepare the believers in Macedonia for his coming, Paul sent two of his disciples (Timothy and Erastus) …
The angel and Balaam’s donkey.
This passage is about Balaam, his donkey and the angel. Balaam was a man ready to obey God’s command as long as he could profit from doing so. Although he realized the awesome power of Israel’s God, his heart was occupied with the wealth he could gain in Moab. God let Balaam go w …
Properties of the City and the Priest
In the division of the land Israel is to present to the Lord a portion of the land as a sacred district (vv. 1-6). This rectangle of land will be divided into two equal portions, each about 8.3 miles long and about 3.3 miles wide. The first portion, in which will be locat …