Haman Persuades The King to Kill All Jews
We are now introduced to the villain of the story, Haman, who becomes the archenemy of Mordecai, Esther, and the Jewish nation (v. 1). King Ahasuerus evidently did not like to perform the details of government, so he had handed over to Haman the day-to-day work of ruling (v. 2) …
Solomon Prays For The Forgiveness of Sin
Solomon looks ahead (vv. 22-31) and asks God to help His people in various trials of life. He petitioned for his own needs back in chapter 1. Now he shows great concern for his people. The heart of the pastor is taken up with the needs of his flock. Genuine revival begins by asking for …
Consecrating the Altar
The substance of the prophet’s vision now returns to a description of parts of the temple area and regulations concerning the temple’s future use. At the very heart of the temple was its altar; the prophet first describes the altar, and then indicates the procedures by whic …
Jesus Forgives The Adulterous Women
The Jewish religious leaders tried to set a trap for Jesus by bringing a woman to Him caught in adultery (v. 3). “What do you say?” they asked (vv. 4-6). Roman law forbid stoning, but the law of Moses required it in the case of adultery (Deut. 22:24). However, the dishonest intent of the …
Jesus Tells About Forgiveness and Faith
As Jesus travels toward Jerusalem and eventually the cross, He is teaching His disciples and preparing them for the time He will no longer be with them. In the passage we are reading today he is teaching them about forgiveness and faithfulness: Forgiveness (vv. 1- …
David Forgives Absalom
No one in all Israel was as handsome and well-built as Absalom (v. 25). His hair was thick and heavy which he only cut once a year (v. 26). He had three sons and a daughter named Tamar who was very beautiful (v. 27). He came back and lived in Jerusalem for two years but didn&rsqu …
Adonijah Hears of Solomon’s Coronation
Reassurance of God’s Forgiveness
The implication of this passage is that when a person does not remember who God really is and what He has done, he will always fear men, rather than God (vv. 12-16). God’s people feared Babylon and not God. He asked them why they are afraid of mere human beings (vv. 12-13). They …
Sacrifices to Ask The Lord’s Blessing
The sacrifice to make things right is very sacred (v. 1).The animal must be killed in the same place where the sacrifice to please me is killed, and the animal’s blood must be splattered against the four sides of the bronze altar (v. 2). Offer all of the animal’s fat, including …