Is Divorce Permissable?
The religious leaders had tried on several occasions to trick Jesus with questions and had failed. Now we find them trying again with a very controversial issue. Is it ever right for a man to divorce his wife (vv. 1-3)? It is interesting how Jesus answers by saying, “H …
Counsel for those Married to Non-Christians
In the previous passage it has been clear that the instructions were for cases where both the husband and wife were Christians. Now the apostle speaks of the situation where, after marriage one spouse becomes saved and the other is not. The question is asked, does this make it permissible for the …
The Law, the Prophets and the Kingdom
The Pharisees who had been listening to Jesus professed to trust God, but they measured life by wealth and possessions (vv. 14-15). In fact they considered their wealth to be a sign of God’s approval. I’m afraid many professing Christians today are making the same mistake …
God Cannot Bear Unfaithfulness
The following is the outline of a message for this passage of Scripture I read from Brian Bill:1. Keep faith with others: Don’t allow your relationships to rupture (v. 10). 2. Keep faith with God: Don’t unite with an unbeliever (vv. 11-12).3. Keep faith with your spouse: Don’t get divorced (vv. 13-16).