Solomon’s Prayer of Dedication
In this section we find a magnificent dedicatory prayer by Solomon. He first stood beside the altar and then fell to his knees (v. 54). He began his prayer with worship and praise to God for His faithfulness as prayer should be and not with requests. He then proceeded to petition …
Our Citizenship is in Heaven
The apostle called for his readers to share with him the pursuit of Christ likeness. What he wanted for himself he also wanted for them (v. 15). His plea to the Philippians was that they would live up to what they had already attained, which was a righteous position in Chri …
The Instrument of God’s Judgment
Ezekiel’s third message showed God directing the sword of Babylon against Jerusalem (vv. 18-23). In symbolic actions Ezekiel pictured God supernaturally guiding Nebuchadnezzar to Jerusalem to over-throw the city. God told him to mark out two roads for the king of Babylon …