The Coming Day of The Lord
February 2, 2020
The prophet seems to place himself in the future “day of the Lord” and from that position looks back to the present locust plague. With this dual crises in mind Joel wrote to warn his nation and at the same time encourage her to a holy walk. The trumpet of alarm will sound (v. 1) and darkness will cover the land (v. 2). The trumpet was a ram’s horn, blown by a watchman to alert the people of great danger (Jer. 4:5-6). The advancing armies will be innumerable in size and very strong (v. 2). Wherever they move the terrain will be left a scorched and desolate wilderness. The garden of Eden was Adam and Eve’s first home (Gen. 2:6). This refers to the beauty of the land prior to the devastation (v. 3). In a comparison of the locusts to the invading forces we find the following:
The heads of locusts and horses are similar in appearance (v. 4). Both locusts and human armies advance swiftly (v. 4).The locust’s buzzing wings resemble the sound of chariot wheels (v. 5). The response to this awesome army was widespread terror. The language seems to apply both to locusts and a literal army (vv, 6-7). Nothing can stop the invaders’ swift approach. No one will be able to wound them (v. 8). Cities, walls, houses and windows will be at there mercy and the entire earth shakes and trembles (vv. 9-10). Then the Lord will move forward to meet them. Nothing will be able to withstand His might. Just as the locust army marches under God’s control so will the army of men in the great “Day of the Lord,” and no flesh will be able to survive (v. 11). The calamities that come to our lives should awaken us and remind us that the Lord is in control.
I should never fret when I know the situations of this life and the life to come are in the Lord’s hands. He could come at any moment and I need to live my life ready to meet Him.
Joel 2:1– 11 (NET)
1 Blow the trumpet in Zion; sound the alarm signal on my holy mountain! Let all the inhabitants of the land shake with fear, for the day of the Lord is about to come. Indeed, it is near!
2 It will be a day of dreadful darkness, a day of foreboding storm clouds, like blackness spread over the mountains. It is a huge and powerful army — there has never been anything like it ever before, and there will not be anything like it for many generations to come!
3 Like fire they devour everything in their path; a flame blazes behind them. The land looks like the Garden of Eden before them, but behind them there is only a desolate wilderness— for nothing escapes them!
4 They look like horses; they charge ahead like war horses.
5 They sound like chariots rumbling over mountain tops, like the crackling of blazing fire consuming stubble, like the noise of a mighty army being drawn up for battle.
6 People writhe in fear when they see them. All their faces turn pale with fright.
7 They charge like warriors; they scale walls like soldiers. Each one proceeds on his course; they do not alter their path.
8 They do not jostle one another; each of them marches straight ahead. They burst through the city defenses and do not break ranks.
9 They rush into the city; they scale its walls. They climb up into the houses; they go in through the windows like a thief.
10 The earth quakes before them; the sky reverberates. The sun and the moon grow dark; the stars refuse to shine.
11 The voice of the Lord thunders as he leads his army. Indeed, his warriors are innumerable; Surely his command is carried out! Yes, the day of the Lord is awesome and very terrifying—who can survive it?
In 1986 two electrical engineers in the control room at the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site were ‘playing around’ with the machine in what the Soviets later described as an unauthorized experiment. They were trying to see how long a turbine would ‘free wheel’ when they took the power off it. In order to perform the test they were interested in performing, they had to override manually six separate computer-driven alarm systems. You know the results: nuclear fallout that was recorded all around the world, from the largest industrial accident ever to occur in the world. The instructions and warnings in Scripture are just as clear. We ignore them at our own peril, and tragically, at the peril of others. (Tom Tripp, Colusa, California, quoted in Leadership, Fall Quarter, 1993, p. 56)