Wisdom Gives Strength And Security
April 15, 2022
It is not physical strength alone that gives us the ability to break through seemingly impossible positions. Wisdom gives strength and security (v. 22). This lesson is very important for us to learn when we are up against spiritual foes. Unwise words, however true they may be, are often the cause of trouble and heartache. We need to keep our mouth and tongue as an armed guard would to avoid lots of grief and bitter memory (v. 23). It has been said that men are like fish. Neither would get into trouble if they kept their mouth shut. An arrogant, self-willed man has unbridled words and an uncontrolled anger (v. 24).
A lazy person wants lots of things but refuses to work (v. 25). The righteous man loves to work and provide things for those who are dependent on him (v. 26). God detests sacrifices brought by wicked people for they are hypocritical. To carry on religious duties just to be seen of men and at the same time hiding a life of wickedness is very revolting to the Lord (v. 27). An example of this was the Scribes and Pharisees who loved to pray standing on the street but at the same time they profited at the expense of the poor widows.
Repeatedly Proverbs speaks against giving false witness in court (v. 28). Both the false witness and the judge or others who follow his line will be destroyed. In his arrogance and hypocrisy, a wicked person puts up a bold front (v. 29). He tries to persuade people to believe him, often by deceit and lies. On the other hand, a righteous person reflects on his conduct, seeking to be honest, non-hypocritical, and consistent in all he does. Human effort, like human wisdom has its limitations (v. 30). It is useless to fight against God, or without Him (v. 31). Soldiers may use horses in battle, but the superiority of a cavalry unit against foot soldiers is no guarantee of victory.
The longer I try to handle problems by myself the worse the situation gets and finally I must turn it over to the Lord. That is what I should always do at the beginning?
Proverbs 21:22– 31 (NET)
22 A wise man went up against the city of the mighty and brought down the stronghold in which they trust.
23 The one who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps his life from troubles.
24 A proud and arrogant person, whose name is “Scoffer,” acts with overbearing pride.
25 What the sluggard desires will kill him, for his hands have refused to work.
26 All day long he has craved greedily, but the righteous person gives and does not hold back.
27 The wicked person’s sacrifice is an abomination; how much more when he brings it with evil intent!
28 A lying witness will perish, but the one who reports accurately speaks forever.
29 A wicked person has put on a bold face, but as for the upright, he establishes his ways.
30 There is no wisdom and there is no understanding, and there is no counsel against the Lord.
31 A horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory is from the Lord.
Illustration: Prayer Made Lincoln Who He Was
Prayer made Abraham Lincoln the man he was. He said on more than one occasion, “I have been driven many times to my knees by the overwhelming conviction that I had nowhere else to go. My own wisdom and that of those about me seemed insufficient for the day.” (Source Unknown).