A Song of Praise

Topic: Praise
Passage: Isaiah 12:1–6

May 16, 2022


This chapter is a hymn of praise. “Salvation” is a key theme in this song.  The refrain in verse two “The Lord, even Jehovah, is my strength and my son; He is also my salvation,” was sung at the Exodus (Ex. 15:2) and at the rededication of the temple in Ezra’s day (Ps. 118:14). It also was sung by the Red Sea after the Jews had been delivered from Egypt by Moses. It was sung in Jerusalem when the second temple was dedicated under the leadership of Ezra the priest. It will be sung again when the Jewish nation accepts Jesus Christ as its King. They will recognize Him as “the Holy One of Israel” and will willingly obey His word. This hymn of praise is a graphic description of the people’s joy when Jesus comes to reign over the earth.
God’s anger is no longer directed toward the people of Judah (vv. 1-3). To draw water from the wells of salvation (v. 3) pictures living according to God’s principles and thus participating with joy in the blessings He will provide. The remnant will thank the Lord and will call on each other to let the world know what God has done (vv. 4-6). All people will sing to Him because of His glorious deeds. All preaching must include the declaration of who the Savior is and what He has done for us.


This chapter is a reminder of how we need to be expressing our gratitude to God by thanking Him, praising Him, and telling others about Him. From the depths of my heart I must praise Him and share this good news with others.

Isaiah 12:1– 6 (NET)

1 At that time you will say: “I praise you, O Lord, for even though you were angry with me, your anger subsided, and you consoled me.

2 Look, God is my deliverer! I will trust in him and not fear. For the Lord gives me strength and protects me; he has become my deliverer.”

3 Joyfully you will draw water from the springs of deliverance.

4 At that time you will say: “Praise the Lord! Ask him for help! Publicize his mighty acts among the nations. Make it known that he is unique.

5 Sing to the Lord, for he has done magnificent things; let this be known throughout the earth.

6 Cry out and shout for joy, O citizens of Zion, for the Holy One of Israel acts mightily among you!”

Illustration: I Prayed For an Orange And God Sent Me Two

While crossing the Atlantic on an ocean liner, F.B. Meyer was asked to speak to the first class passengers. At the captain’s request he spoke on “Answered Prayer.” An agnostic who was present at the service was asked by his friends, “What did you think of Dr. Meyer’s sermon?” “I didn’t believe a word of it,” he answered. On his way back to his cabin he passed an elderly woman sitting in her deck chair fast asleep. Her hands were open. In the spirit of fun, the agnostic put  two oranges in her open hand. Later, he saw her happily eating one of the oranges. “You seem to be enjoying that orange,” he said with a smile. “Yes, sir,” she replied, “ I’ve been seasick for days. I was asking God somehow to send me an orange. I suppose I fell asleep while I was praying. When I awoke, I found He had not only sent me one orange, but two!” The agnostic was speechless. (Source Unknown)

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