Days 5 through 6 of Creation
April 19, 2024
On the fifth day God created all the sea creature and all the sky creatures. every living creature. God made all kinds of fish and water animals and every kind of bird and fowl (vv.20-23). Again, He brought them forth according to His plan. The waters did not produce the marine life but at God’s command the existing waters suddenly were filled with swimming creatures. All types of marine creatures and the winged fowl were brought forth abundantly after his kind. God blessed the water creatures and fowl of the air and said for them to be fruitful and multiply and fill the seas and let the fowl multiply in the earth.
On the sixth day God made all the earth creatures: every wild land beast, every type of domestic animal, and every creature that crawls on the ground. God saw that they were good (vv. 24-25). The earth was now beautiful and filled with living creatures; however, there was no one whom He could love and fellowship with and who could love and talk to Him in return.
God desired someone like Himself so on the sixth day God formed the first man’s body out of the dust of the ground and he breathed His own breath into this body and man became alive (Gen. 2:7). After God’s own life was breathed into man’sspirit, He called the first man “Adam”. God gave Adam dominion over the creatures (v. 28).
On the seventh day, after God’s work of creation was complete, He rested (vv. 1-3). In our action-packed world there always seems to be something to do and no time to rest. Yet God demonstrated that rest is appropriate. If God rested from His work, it should not amaze us that we also need rest.
How wonderful that God can make new creatures out of us too! (II Cor 5:17). I need to allow Him to change me to be after His image. I’m to fit into His plans and not try to make Him fit into mine!!
Genesis 1:20– 3 (NET)
Verses not found.
Illustration: From Dust to Dust
I once heard the story of a little girl who learned in Sunday school that we came from dust and that we are going back to dust. When she got home she asked her mother if this is true? “Yes, darling, that’s true” her mother replied. The little girl then said: “Well, I just looked under the bed and someone is either coming or going.” (Lou Nicholes – Author/Missionary).